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Ссылки на запись 1980
Ссылки на запись 1980
- Adams ea, 1980
- Allen J.M. ea, 1980
- Andersson ea, 1980
- Arnott S. ea, 1980
- Baldi M.I. ea, 1980
- Barak L.S. et al., 1980
- Bassenge E. ea, 1980
- Bell ea, 1980
- Benoist C. ea, 1980
- Bretscher A., Weber K., 1980a
- Cantor C.R. and Schimmel P.R., 1980
- Chait A. ea, 1980
- Committee of Principal Investigatiors, 1980
- Cook P.R. and Brazell I.A., 1980
- Cooke N.E. ea, 1980
- Corden S. ea, 1980
- de Leeuw H.P.M. ea, 1980
- DeRosier D.J., Edds K.T., 1980
- Descovich G.C. ea, 1980
- Drew H. ea, 1980
- Erepamer ea, 1980
- Erslev A. ea, 1980
- Geiger B., Singer S.J., 1980
- Grumet M., Lin S., 1980
- Gubbins E.J. ea, 1980
- Gurney ea, 1980
- Hartmann R. ea, 1980
- Heiss G. ea, 1980
- Hemler ea, 1980
- Henkart ea, 1980
- Hintz ea, 1980
- Hsieh T.S. and Brutlag D., 1980
- Hulley S.B. ea, 1980
- Iscove N.N. ea, 1980
- Jenkins D.J.A. ea,. 1980
- Kandel E.R., 1978
- Katz R.A. ea, 1980
- Kerr F.W.L. ea, 1980
- Kishimoto A. ea, 1980
- Kohlhardt M., 1980
- Kreis T.E., Birchmeier W., 1980
- Lazarides E., 1980
- Le Bret M., 1980
- Leslie A.G.W. ea, 1980
- Lilley D.M.J., 1980
- Lindappa V.R., 1980
- Liu L.F. ea, 1980
- Maclean-Fletcher S., Pollard T.D., 1980
- Mannhers H.G. et al., 1980
- Mauntcastle V.B., 1980
- Miller B.E. ea, 1980
- Mizuno ea, 1980
- Mizuno ea, 1980a
- Nakanishi S. ea, 1980
- Oates ea, 1980
- Onoda M. ea, 1980
- Packard C.J. ea, 1980
- Pardoll D.M. ea, 1980
- Pavlovvic-Kenters J. ea, 1980
- Pradayrol ea, 1980
- Proctor D.F., 1980
- Putney ea, 1980
- Rollins ea, 1980
- Roques ea, 1980
- Roth ea, 1980
- Salmon ea, 1980
- Sawyer ea, 1980
- Schally ea, 1980
- Seemueller ea, 1980
- Seftel H.C. ea, 1980
- Smith D.G. ea, 1980
- Snidermann A. ea, 1980
- Snidermann A. ea, 1988
- Tse Y.C. and Wang J.C., 1980
- Tsien ea, 1980
- Wang A.H.-J. ea, 1980
- Watanabe ea, 1980
- Wyllie ea, 1980a
- Yuan ea, 1980
- Балуда В.П. и др., 1980
- Владимиров ea, 1980
- Постнов ea, 1980