Boyd M.R., et al. 1997

Boyd M.R., Gustafson K.R., Mc Mahon J.B., Shoemaker R.H., O'Keefe B. R., Mori T., Gulakowski R.J., Wu L., Rivera M.I., Laurencot C.M., Currens M.J., Cardellina J.H., Buckheit R.W., Nara P.L., Pannell L.K., Sowder R.C., Henderson L.E. Discovery of cyanovirin-N, a novel human immunodeficiency virus-inactivating protein that binds viral surface envelope glycoprotein gp120: potential applications to microbicide development // Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 1997. V. 41. P. 1521-1530.
