Осложнения цирроза печени: литература

Печеночная энцефалопатия

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Кровотечение из варикозных вен

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Портальная гипертензия и асцит

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Stiegmann GV et al: Endoscopic sclerotherapy as compared with endoscopic ligation for bleeding esophageal varices. N Engl J Med 326:1527, 1992

Первичный перитонит

Navasa M et al: Randomized, comparitive study of oral ofloxacin versus intravenous cefotaxime in spontaneous bacterial periotinitis. Gastroenterology 111:1011, 1996

Rolachon A et al: Ciprofloxacin and long-term prevention of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: Results of a prospective controlled trial. Hepatology 22:1171, 1995

Runyon BA et al: Short-course versus long-course antibiotic treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: A randomized controlled study of 100 patients. Gastroenterology 100:1737, 1991 300
