Gene: [01p32/CPT2] carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (deficiency: myopathy); myopathy with deficiency of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (mild late-onset myopathic form; MIM:255110); hypoglycemia, hypoketotic, with deficiency of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (severe neonatal form; MIM:600649);


The initial assignment the CPT gene to 1pter-q12 (Finocchiaro-1991) was refined as 1p13-11 (Minoletti-1992) and as 1p32 (Gellera-1994). All 3 groups referred to it as CPT1. Now, after elucidation by Britton et al., it is clear that the gene mapped to Chr 1 was CPT2. CPT1 is mapped by Britton-1995, Britton-1997 to Chr 11 (GEM:11q13/CPT1A). See also GEM:22q133/CPT1B."


[1] Participates in initial step of the mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids.
[2] Systematic name: palmitoyl-CoA:L-carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase.
[3] Reaction catalyzed: palmitoyl-CoA + L-carnitine = CoA + L-palmitoylcarnitine."


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myo, mtbd, lip, mito


coding, basic


01 p32


MIM: 600650


