Gene: [01p34/UROD] uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (porphyria, type 2); porphyria cutanea tarda (type II; hepatocutaneous type);


Two UROD forms, which differ in electrophoretic mobility, have been found in human red blood cells (Mukerji-1987). The slow component has MM 54 kDa, and the fast one has MM 35 kDa. It is not clear yet which of them represents a polypeptide, 367 amino acids in length, deduced from cDNA (Romeo-1986)."


Gene length: 3.5 kb. Exons: 10. Mature transcript: 1.3 kb. Probe pUD3 contains a 1.3-kb fragment of (presumably) the entire UROD cDNA, which have been cloned in pBR322 at PstI site."


[1] Systematic name: uroporphyrinogen-III carboxy-lyase.
[2] Reaction catalyzed: uroporphyrinogen-III = coproporphyrinogen + 4 CO(2).
[3] The enzyme also affects a number of porphyrinogens."


Seven types of hereditary porphyria are known: - PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA (MIM:176100; PCT2#) - uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency (this locus); - COPROPORPHYRIA (MIM:121300) - coproporhpyrinogen oxidase deficiency (GEM:09^/CPO); - ACUTE HEPATIC PORPHYRIA (MIM:125270) - delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase deficiency (GEM:09q34/ALAD); - ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA (MIM:176000; UPS#) - porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency (GEM:11q233/HMBS); - PORPHYRIA VARIEGATA (MIM:176200; VP) - protoporphyrinogen oxidase deficiency (GEM:01q22/PPOX); - CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC PORPHYRIA (Gunther disease; MIM:263700; CEP#) - uroporphyrinogen-III synthase deficiency (GEM:10q2/UROS); - ERYTHROPOIETIC PROTOPORPHYRIA (MIM:177000; EPP#) - ferrochelatase deficiency (GEM:18q21/FECH). The MIM catalogue indicates two other types of porphyria: Chester type (MIM:176010) and so called sporadic type of late cutaneous porphyria (MIM:176090; PCT1#)."


MUT,POL "de Verneuil H &: Hum Genet, 89, 548-552, 1992
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IDN,FUN,PEP "Mauzerall D, Granick S: JBC, 232, 1141-?, 1958
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MUT,POL "Romana M &: Eur J Clin Invest, 21, 225-229, 1991
PRO,GEN,EXP "Romana M &: NAR, 15, N18, 7343-7356, 1987
PRO,SEQ "Romeo P-H &: JBC, 261, N21, 9825-9831, 1986
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derm, mtbd, pigm


coding, basic


01 p34


MIM: 176100


