Gene: [02q35/CPS1] carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1, mitochondrial; hyperammonemia II (due to carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 deficiency);


Adcock-1984b provided a provisional assignment of the CPS1 gene to Chr 2p (the CPS2 gene is mapped to that region, see GEM:02p2/CAD). Summar-1995 and Hoshide-1995 reassigned the CPS1 gene to Chr 2q35."


[1] Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 catalyzes the first committed step of waste nitrogen metabolism in the urea cycle.
[2] The reaction catalyzed: 2 ATP + NH(3) + CO(2) + H(2)O = = 2 ADP + orthophosphate + carbamoyl phosphate."


[1] The disease was previously referred to as 'hyperammonemia I'.
[2] In contrast to the generally accepted numbering of isoenzyme genes (those for cytoplasmic isoforms have number 1, and those for mitochondrial isoforms, number 2), the historical denotation, 1, was kept for the mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase."


PRO,LOC "Adcock MW &: Fed Proc, 43, 1726, 1984a
PRO,LOC "Adcock MW, O'Brien WE: JBC, 259, N21, 13471-13476, 1984b
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LOC "Hoshide R &: Genomics, 28, N1, 124-125, 1995
FUN,PEP,MEB "Jackson &: Annu Rev Genet, 20, 431-464, 1986
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PHE,FOG,PAT "McReynolds &: AJHG, 33, 345-353, 1981
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PRO,LOC "O'Brien &: AJHG, 35, A181, 1983
FUN,PEP,MEB "Pierson, Brien: JBC, 255, 7891-7895, 1980
LOC "Summar ML &: CCG, 71, N3, 266-267, 1995
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coding, basic


02 q35


MIM: 237300