Gene: [03q29/TFRC] transferrin receptor (protein p90; antigen CD71, MFI2); [OKT9 MAP97 ]


[1] The TFRC gene was mapped to 3q29, close to the telomeric marker D3S2344, by linkage analysis, a panel of hybrid cell lines, GeneBridge 4 panel and FISH (Kashuba-1997).
[2] The GDB indicates the regional localization for TFRC as q26.2-qt [GDB:G00-120-433:Loc='03 q26.2-t'].
[3] The MIM catalogue describes 'melanoma-associated antigen p97' (MFI2, MAP97) under the number MIM:155750, as presumably identical to TFRC. However, the GDB describes MFI2 marker as an independent locus in region 3q28-29. Yet the HUGEN (as well as MIM) does not consider the gene MFI2 as independent."


The gene length is 33.5 kb. Exons: 19.


See GEM:03q21/TF.


[1] Gene-specific DNA probe pCPTR-1 (a 5 kb fragment) has been cloned at EcoRI site in the plasmid pTR36; ----------------------------- RFLP systems: ------------- RFLP name (Reference; Probe [number]): Alleles in kb/(Popul Freq) Const Bands (kb) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] SacI A-RFLP (Kidd-1987; Probe [1]): A1= 8.5/(0.91); A2= 6.0/(0.09); CBs= 5.5;
[2] PvuII B-RFLP (Kidd-1987; Probe [1]): B1= 9.5/(0.08); B2= abs B1/(0.92); CBs= 10.5/7.0/6.5/4.5/4.2/4.0/1.0/0.75;
[3] TaqI C-RFLP (Kidd-1987; Probe [1]): C1= 2.0/(0.09); C2= abs C1/(0.91); CBs= 6.0/4.5/4.2/4.0"


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hem, trp, recp


coding, basic


03 q29


MIM: 190010