Gene: [06p25/RREB1] ras responsive element binding protein 1; transcription factor RREB-1 (ras responsive element binding);


[1] Thiagalingam et al. have cloned a cDNA coding for a zinc finger transcription factor (RREB-1) that binds to the distal ras responsive element (RRE) in the calcitonin gene (GEM:11p154/CALCA) promoter (Thiagalingam-1996).
[2] Overexpression of RREB-1 protein in the human medullary thyroid cancer cell line TT confers the ability to mediate increased transactivation of the CT gene promoter-reporter construct during Ras- or Raf-induced differentiation. These data suggest that RREB-1 may play a role in Ras and Raf signal transduction in medullary thyroid cancer and other cells. On the Ras protein see in GEM:05q13/RASA1."


LOC "Thiagalingam A &: Genomics, 45, N3, 630-632, 1997
IDN,COD,SEQ "Thiagalingam A &: Mol Cell Biol, 16, N10, 5335-5345, 1996


onc, trc


coding, basic


06 p25


MIM: 602209