Gene: [07q2/MTERF] transcription termination factor, mitochondrial;


The mitochondrial transcription termination factor plays a central role in attenuating transcription between the 16S ribosomal RNA (GEM:0Mh1671/MTRNR2) and the tRNA-leu (GEM:0Mh3230/MTTL1) genes in the heavy strand of mitochondrial DNA, and therefore is a part of the regulatory system that allows high levels of ribosomal RNA expression relative to downstream genes (Daga-1993). The MTER-Factor was identified as a DNA binding protein that protected a 28 bp region immediately adjacent and downstream of the 3' ends of the mitochondrial DNA constructs containing the main heavy strand promoter and the transcription termination site at the 16S rRNA/leucyl-tRNA boundary (in vivo and in vitro) (Kruse-1989)."


Another gene coding for transcription termination factor (non-mitochondrial) should be in human genome: GEM:00.0/TTF1."


EXP,MEB,MOP "Daga A &: JBC, 268, 8123-8130, 1993
COD,SEQ,LOC "Fernandez-Silva P &: EMBO J, 16, 1066-1079, 1997
MEB,FUN "Kruse B &: Cell, 58, N2, 391-397, 1989


trc, mito


coding, basic


07 q21-22


MIM: 602318