Gene: [0Xp113/COD1] cone dystrophy, X-linked, 1 (incomplete achromatopsia);
Hong-1994 mapped COD1 gene to Chr Xp11.3 distal to DXS84 and proximal to GEM:0Xp11/ARAF1." |
[1] About another X-linked form of cone dystrophy see GEM:0Xq27/COD2.
[2] Several other hereditary forms of cone dystrophy are known, including an autosomal dominant one (see GEM:06q27/RCD1), and a sex-linked one, with greenish-golden tapetal-like sheen of retina (MIM:304030). [3] One should distinguish achromatopsia with cone dystrophy from the complete color blindness (MIM:216900), in which the cones are retained but the color vision is deteriorated." |
LOC,LIN "Bartley J &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 959, 1989 LIN,LOC "Bergen AA &: Genomics, 18, 463-464, 1993 PHE,PAT,FOG "Fleischmann JA, O'Donnell FE: Arch Ophthal, 99, 468-472, 1981 LIN,LOC "Hong HK &: AJHG, 55, 1173-1181, 1994 PHE,PAT,FOG "Pinckers A &: Ophthalmic Paediat Genet, 1, 17-24, 1981a PHE,PAT,FOG "Pinckers A &: Ophthalmic Paediat Genet, 1, 25-36, 1981b |
eye |
unknown, basic |
0X p11.3 |
MIM: 304020 |
- Gene: [06p/RDS] peripherin (retinal degeneration slow protein); retinal degeneration, slow; retinitis pigmentosa 7 (autosomal dominant); [RP7 ]
- Gene: [06p211/GUCA1A] guanylate cyclase activator 1A (guanylin 1, retina); guanylate cyclase-activating protein, photoreceptor 1 (GCAP1); cone dystrophy 3, autosomal dominant (MIM:602093); [GUCA1 GCAP1 ]