Gene: [12q22/TMPO] thymopoietin; [TP ]
EXP | A single TMPO gene encodes 3 thymopoietins: alpha (75 kD), beta (51 kD), and gamma (39 kD) by alternative splising." |
TIS | TMPO-alpha is present diffusely throughout the nucleus, whereas TMPOs beta and gamma are localized to the nuclear membrane." |
&: PNAS, 84, N11, 3545-3549, 1987 CLO,LOC "Harris CA &: Genomics, 28, 198-205, 1995 CLO,SEQ,EXP "Harris CA &: PNAS, 91, 6283-6287, 1994 |
SWI | SWISSPROT: P42166; THPB P42167; THPO P08918 |
KEY | imm, horm |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 12 q22 |
MIM | MIM: 188380 |
SYN | TP |