Gene: [19q132/PVR] poliovirus receptor (sensitivity); poliomyelitis infection, susceptibility to;


Nevertheless this marker has been characterized adequately, endogenous functions of the protein are yet unknown."


[1] Poliovirus receptor belongs to the superfamily of immunoglobulin-like peptides and has the characteristic structure that is common for these peptides: the leader peptide, three extracellular Ig-like genes, the transmembrane domain, and the short variable cytoplasmic domain (Mendelsohn-1989).
[2] It is the poliovirus-specific receptor located on the cell membrane external surface and playing the key role in susceptibility to poliomyelytis that is supposed to be the product of PVS gene. Monoclonal antibodies to the receptor part of this receptor are obtained (D171; Mendehlsohn-1986)."


Using polyclonal antisera, Freistadt-1990 demonstrated that the poliovirus receptor and poliovirus receptor-like proteins are expressed not only in brain tissues but also in liver, kidney, and intestine. The spectrum of the poliovirus receptor-like protein expression is tissue-specific."


Two poliovirus receptor related genes have been mapped: GEM:11q2/PVRL1 and GEM:19q13/PVRL2."


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vir, mem, recp, neu, img


coding, basic


19 q13.2


MIM: 173850
