Gene: [CYP2D/22q1] cytochrome P450, subfamily IID in chr 22q1; (CYP2D6 CYP2D7AP CYP2D7BP CYP2D8P CYP2DL1 CYP2DP1)
[1] The HUGEN adopted the classification of CYP genes according
to Nebert et al. The classification accounts for orthologous homologues
in genomes of other species (see FAM:CYP/00.0); this systematization
assigns the numbers 6, 7, and 8 to human CYP2D genes. GDB/HGM and MIM
number all human CYP genes beginning with 1.
[2] On other CYP superfamily genes, see FAM:CYP2/00.0 and FAM:CYP/00.0." |
CLO,GEN,STR,FAG "Gaedigk A &: AJHG, 48, N5, 943-950, 1991 CLO,SEQ,POL "Kimura S &: AJHG, 45, 889-904, 1989 |