Gene: [HIS2/01q21] histone multigene family cluster 1q21; (H1F2 H2A2 H2B2 H3F2 H4F2)


The data on genomic organization and regional chromosomal location of the histone genes are rather contradictory: of 11 genes that were included in HGM9.5-1988, only five were indicated in HGM10-1989 as mapped ones; all genes previously mapped to chromosome 7 (H1F1, H2A, H2B, H3F1, H4F1) were excluded. The same five mapped genes were included in HGM11-1991 and CCM92, and three more genes were reserved. The HUGEN has taken into account all the data. They do not always agree with each other; but taken together, they allow to elucidate an approximate pattern of histone gene distribution among chromosomes."


FAM:HIS1/07q; FAM:HIS/00.0


LOC,PRO "Allen &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 950, 1989
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SEQ,PRO,EXP "Clark &: NAR, 9, 1583-1597, 1981
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