Респираторные вирусные инфекции негриппозные острые: литература

Риновирусная инфекция

Gwaltney JM: Rhinoviruses, in Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 4th ed., GF Mandell et al. (eds). New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1995, pp 1656-1663

McKinlay MA et al: Treatment of the picornavirus common cold by inhibitors of viral uncoating and attachment. Annu Rev Microbiol 46:635, 1992

Rossman MG et al: Structure of a human common cold virus and functional relationships to other picornaviruses. Nature 317:145, 1985

Tyrrell DAJ: Common colds. Intervirology 25:177, 1986

Коронавирусная инфекция

Mclntosh К: Coronaviruses, in Virology, 3d ed., BN Fields (ed.). New York, Raven, 1995, pp 1095-1103

Инфекция, вызванная респираторным синцитиальным вирусом

Anderson LJ et al: Multicenter study of strains of respiratory syncytial virus. J Infect Dis 163:687, 1991

Chanock RM et al: Serious respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus: Prospects for improved therapy and effective immunization. Pediatrics 90:137, 1992

Englund JA et al: Respiratory syncytial virus infection in immunocompromised adults. Ann Intern Med 109:203, 1988

Glezen WP et al: Risk of primary infection and reinfection with respiratory syncytial virus. Am J Dis Child 140:543, 1986

Hall CB et al: Aerosolized ribavirin treatment of infants with respiratory syncytial viral infection. A randomized double blind study. N EnglJ Med 308:1443, 1983

Henderson FW et al: Respiratory syncytial virus infections, reinfections and immunity. N Engl J Med 300:530, 1979


Denny FW et al: Croup: An 11 year study in a pediatric practice. Pediatrics 71:871, 1983

Heilman CA Respiratory syncytial and parainfiuenza viruses. J Infect Dis 161:402, 1990

Wright PF: Parainfluenzaviruses, in Textbook of Human Virology, 2d ed., RB Belshe (ed.). St. Louis, Mosby, 1991, pp 342-350

Аденовирусная инфекция

Baum SG: Adenoviruses, in Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 4th ed., G Mandell et al. (eds). New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1995, pp 1382-1387

Fox JP et al: The Seattle virus watch. VII. Observations of adenoviras infections. Am J Epidemiol 105:362, 1977

Hierholzer JC: Adenoviruses in the immunocompromised host. Clin Microbiol Rev 5:262, 1992

Rose HM et al: Adenoviral infection in military recruits. Arch Environ Health 21:356, 1970
