Нерешенные вопросы нейробиологии: литература

Рекомендуемая литература:

Adams, FD , Victor, М., and Ropper, AН 1997. Principles of Neurology, 6th Ed McGraw-Hill, New York.

Burgess, P.W, ard Shallice, T. 1996. Bizarre responses, rule detection and frontal lobe lesions. Cortex 32 241-259

Crick, F. 1999 The impact of molecular biology on neuroscience. Philos Trans. P Soc. Land. В 354: 2021-2025.

Goldman-Rakic, P.S. 1999. The physiological approach: Functional architecture of working memory and disordered cognition in schizophrenia. Bint Psychiatry 46 650 661.

Jeannerod M., and Frak. V. 1999 Mental imaging of motor activity in humans. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 9: 735-739

Mountcastle, V. 1998 Brain science at the century's ebb Daedalus 127: 1-36

Zeki, S 1999 Splendours and miseries of the brain. Philos Trans. R Soc Land В 354 2052-2065

Цитированная литература:

Haque, N S., Borghesam, P., and Isacson, О. 1997 Мод Med. Today 3 175-183.

Burgess, D. L., and Noelis, J L. 1999 Ann. N.Y.Acad Sci. 868 199-212.

Adrian, E. D. 1946, The Physical Background of Perception. Clarendon, Oxford, England.

Adams, R. D., Victor, M., and Ropper, A. H 1997 Principles of Neurology, 6th Ed McGraw-Hill, New York

Harlow, J. M. 1868. Publ. Mass. Med Soc. 2: 328-334.

Driver, J , and Halligan, P. W. 1991. Cogn. Neuiopsychol 8 475-496

Raff, M. 1996. Science 274 1063

Krauthammer, C. 2000. Time Magazine February 14: 76.
