ОПН и ХПН у собак и кошек: литература

Behrend EN, Grauer GF, Mani I, et al; Hospital-acquired acute renal failure in dogs: 29 cases (1983-1992). J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:537,1996. This article describes clinical findings in 29 dogs that developed ARF while hospitalized.

Bergamo RR, Laidlaw SA, Kopple JD: Fingernail creatinine as a predictor of prior renal function. Am J Kidney Dis 22:814,1993. This reference discusses the method used to extract creatinine from toenails.

DiBartola SP, Rutgers HC, Zack PM, et al: Clinicopathologic findings associated with chronic renal disease in cats: 74 cases (19731984). J Am Vet Med Assoc 190:1196, 1987. This article describes clinical findings in 74 cats with CRF.

Hales M, Solez K, Kjellstrand C: The anemia of acute renal failure: Association with oliguria and elevated blood urea. Renal Failure 16:125, 1994. This article describes a clinical study of anemia in humans with ARF.

Vaden SL, Levine J, Breitschwerdt EB: A retrospective case-control study of acute renal failure in 99 dogs. J Vet Intern Med 11:58, 1997. This article describes clinical findings in 99 dogjs with ARF.
