Бесплодие у сук: литература

Bjurstrom L, Linde-Forsberg С: Long-term study of aerobic bacteria of the genital tract in breeding bitches. Am J Vet Res 53:665,1992. A description of the normal bacterial flora obtained from daily vaginal cultures from bitches.

Cain JL: Introduction to reproduction section. In: Morgan RV, ed: Handbook of Small Animal Practice, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1992, p 637. Ovulation timing techniques, including evaluation of serum progesterone concentrations and vaginoscopy.

Concannon PW,: Clinical and endocrine correlates of canine ovarian cycles and pregnancy. In: Kirk RW, ed: Current Veterinary Therapy IX. Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986, p 1214. A description of the reproductive physiology of the bitch pertaining to ovulation and measured parameters.

Goodman MF: Canine ovulation timing. In: Problems in Veterinary Medicine: Canine Reproduction. Philadelphia: IB Lippincott, 1992, p 433. A review of reproductive physiology and ovulation timing techniques emphasizing the use of serum progesterone assays.

Johnston SD: Infertility in the bitch. In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds: Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1992, p A well-organized discussion describing the causes of infertility in the bitch.

Lindsay FEF: Postujerine endoscopy in the bitch. In: Tarns TR, ed: Small Animal Endoscopy. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1990, p 327. Excellent description of the visual changes that occur to the vaginal mucosa during proestrus and estrus, including color photographs.

Olson PN: Collection and evaluation of canine semen. In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds: Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1992, p 938. A guide to semen analysis that can be performed in a veterinary hospital, including normal values and a sample evaluation form.

Scott-Moncrieff JC, Nelson RW, Bill RL, et al: Serum deposition of exogenous progesterone after intramuscular administration in bitches. AmJ Vet Res 51:893,1990. Injections of progesterone in oil (3 mg/kg 1M q24hr) will maintain serum progesterone concentration at 10 ng/ml.

Wykes PM, Soderberg SF: Congenital abnormalities of the canine vagina and vulva. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 19:995,1983. A description of the types of anomalies of the vagina and vulva that can occur in bitches.

Yeager AE, Concannon PW,: Ultrasonography of the reproductive tract of the female dog and cat. In: Bonagura JD, ed: Current Veterinary Therapy XII. Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1995, p 1040. A discussion of normal ultrasonographic findings and examples of some disease conditions, including ultrasono graphic photographs.
