Прерывание беременности у сук: литература

Bowen RA, Olson PN, Behrendt MD, et al: Efficacy and toxicity of estrogens commonly used to terminate canine pregnancy. J Am Vet Med Assoc 186:783, 1985. A dosetitration study of the effects of estrogens in pregnancy termination in bitches.

Concannon PW, McCann JP, Temple M: Biology and endocrinology of ovulation, pregnancy and parturition in the dog. J Rep rod Fertil Suppl 39:3, 1989. A review of endocrine regulation of pregnancy in the bitch.

Feldman EC, Davidson AP, Nelson RW, et al: Prostaglandin induction of abortion in pregnant bitches after misalliance. JAVMA 202:1855, 1993.

Fieni F: An original molecule to induce abortion in bitches: Aglepristone. A clinical study defining efficacy and absence of side effects. Proc 1995 CNVSA meeting, Paris, November 1995, p 279. A clinical study in French describing the efficacy of a progesterone antagonist commercialized in some European countries to induce abortion in bitches. More than 95% efficacy without major side effects is described.

Fieni F: Fuhrer M, Tainturier D, et al: Use of cloprostenol for pregnancy termination in dogs J Reprod Fertil Suppl 39:323, 1989.

Onclin K, Verstegen J: Practical use of a combination of a dopamine agonist and synthetic prostaglandin analogue to terminate unwanted pregnancy in dogs. J Small Anim Pract 37:211,1966.

Onclin K, Verstegen J: Comparisons of different combinations of PGF2 alpha analogues and dopamine agonists to induce termination of unwanted pregnancy in dogs. Vet Rec 1999 (accepted for publication).

Onclin K, Silva LDM, Verstegen J: Termination of unwanted pregnancy in dogs with the dopamine agonist cabergoline in combination with a synthetic analog of PgF2 alpha either cloprostenol or alphaprostol. Theriogenology 43:813, 1995. Description of the clinical efficacy of two dopamine agonists-prostaglandins to induce abortion in bitches. A practical description of a efficacious abortion induction treatment devoid of side effects to be used in bitches after implantation.

Verstegen J, Decoster R, Brasseur M: Influence of estrogens on blood parameters in bitches. Ann Med Vet 125:397, 1981. A dose-titration characterization of the toxic effects of ECP on hematologic parameters in bitches.

Verstegen J, Onclin K, Silva LDM, et al: Abortion induction in queens and bitches using cabergoline, a specific dopamine agonist. Ann Med Vet 137:251, 1993. Reports on pregnancy termination in dogs and cats using oral or injectable dopamine agonist administration from day 25 to 50 after LH surge.

Yeager AE, Mohammed HO, Meyers-Wallen, et al: Ultrasonic appearance of the uterus, placenta, fetus and fetal membranes throughout accurately timed pregnancy in beagles. Am J Vet Res 53:342,1992. A review of pregnancy diagnostic and follow-up using ultrasonography.

Zone M, Wanke M, Rebuelto, et al: Termination of pregnancy in dogs by oral administration of dexamethasone. Theriogenology 43:487, 1995. A clinical study describing the efficacy of dexamethasone treatment to induce abortion in bitches.
