Релаксин в диагностике беременности у сук: литература

Bullesbach ЕЕ, Schwabe С: Total synthesis of human relaxin and human relaxin derivatives by solid-phase peptide synthesis and site-directed chain combination. J Biol Chem 266:10754, 1991. First practical synthesis of relaxin molecule.

Goldsmith LT, Lust G, Steinetz BG: Transmission of relaxin from lactating bitches to their offspring via suckling. Biol Reprod 50:258, 1994. Shows presence of relaxin in serum and milk of lactating bitches and transmission of relaxin to suckling pups.

Hoist PA, Phemister RD: The prenatal development of the dog: Preimplantation events. Biol Reprod 5:194, 1971. Establishes the time of implantation of fertilized eggs in bitches.

Rodbard D: Statistical quality control and routine data processing for radioimmunoassays and immunoradiometric assays. Clin Chem 20:1255,1974. Classic paper on data analysis for radioimmunoassays.

Sherwood OD: Relaxin. In: Knobil E, Neill JD, eds: The Physiology of Reproduction, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994, p 861. Contains excellent review of methods for extraction and purification of relaxin, including yields to be expected.

Steinetz BG, Btillesbach EE, Goldsmith LT, et al: Use of synthetic canine relaxin to develop a rapid homologous radioimmunoassay. Biol Reprod 54:1252, 1996. Describes and validates the homologous canine relaxin radioimmunoassay.

Steinetz BG, Goldsmith LT, Harvey HJ, et al: Serum relaxin and progesterone concentrations in pregnant, pseudopregnant, and ovariectomized, progestin-treated pregnant bitches: Detection of relaxin as a marker of pregnancy. Am J Vet Res 50:68, 1989. Establishes sources of secretion of relaxin in pregnant bitches. the primary source of relaxin during pregnancy in bitches.

Steinetz BG, Goldsmith LT, Lust G: Plasma relaxin levels in pregnant and lactating dogs. Biol Reprod 37:719, 1987. Relaxin is present in the serum of pregnant, but not pseudopregnant, bitches.
