Болезнь Борна у кошек: литература
Bode L: Human infections with Borna disease virus and potential pathogenic implications. In: Koprowski H, Lipkin WI, eds: Borna Disease. (Curr Topics Microbiol Immun vol 190). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995, p 103. A review of human BDV infections.
Bode L, Diirrwald R, Rantam FA, et al: First isolates of infectious human Borna disease virus from patients with mood disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 1:200, 1996. Describes how BDV was isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of human patients and propagated in tissue culture as well as in rabbits.
Briese T, Schneemann A, Lewis AJ, et al: Genomic organization of Borna disease virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:4362, 1994. Molecular characterization of BDV, including the complete genomic sequence.
Cubitt B, Oldstone C, de la Torre JC: Sequence and genome organization of Borna disease virus. J Virol 68:1382, 1994. Contains information similar to the paper by Briese and colleagues.
Kronevi T, Nordstrom M, Moreno W, et al: Feline ataxia due to nonsuppurative meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown aetiology. Nord Veterinarmed 26:720, 1973. The original report on Swedish cats zerith staggering disease. Outlines the clinical picture and the histopathology of the brain lesions.
Ludwig H, Bode L, Gosztonyi G: Borna disease: A persistent virus infection of the central nervous system. Progr Med Virol 35:107, 1988. A review of BDV infections in naturally and experimentally infected animals.
Lundgren A-L, Zimmermann W, Bode L, et al: Staggering disease in cats: Isolation and characterization of the feline Borna disease virus. J Gen Virol 76:2215, 1995. The first report on isolation of BDV from cats with staggering disease.
Lundgren A-L, Johannisson A, Zimmermann W, et al: Neurological disease and encephalitis in cats experimentally infected with Borna disease virus. Acta Neuropath 93:391, 1997. Experimental infection of SPFcats with the feline BDV isolate.
Nowotny N, Weissenbock H: Description of feline nonsuppurative meningoencephalomyelitis ("Staggering disease") and studies on its etiology. J Clin Microbiol 33:1668, 1995. Clinical picture and pathology of staggering disease in Austrian cats.
Rott R, Becht H: Natural and experimental Borna disease in animals. In: Koprowski H, Lipkin WI, eds: Borna Disease. (Curr Topics Microbiol Immun vol 190). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995, p 17. Provides an overview of Boma disease in a wide range of animal species.