Гипокалиемическая миопатия у кошек: литература
Dow SW, Fettman MJ, Le Couteur RA, et al: Hypokalemia in cats: 186 cases (1984-1987). J Am Vet Med Assoc .194:1604, 1989. A retrospective survey of hypokalemia in cats in the United States.
Edwards CM. Belford CJ: Hypokalemic polymyopathy in Burmese cats. Aust Vet Practit 25:58, 1995. A report of jive cases of hypokalemic myopathy in Burmese cats.
Fettman MJ: Feline kaliopenic polymyopathy/nephropathv syndrome Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 19:415, 1989. A review of hypokalemia and polymyopathy in the cat.
Maclntire DK: Disorders of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium in critical illness. Coinpend Contin Educ Pract Vet 19:41,1997. A summary of electrolyte disturbances m severe illness and their correction.