Анальгезия птиц: литература

Bauck L: Analgesics in avian medicine. Proceedings of the 1990 Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians, 1990, vol 239. A clinical investigation of the effects of butorphanol or flunixin meglumine on healthy parakeets.

Clyde V, Paul-Murphy J: Avian Analgesia. In: Fowler ME, ed: Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Current Therapy 4. Philadelphia: WB Saun-ders, 1999, pp 309-314. A review of pain perception and analgesia in multiple species of birds.

Curro TG, Brunson D, Paul-Murphy J: Determination of the ED50 of isoflurane and evaluation of the analgesic properties of butorphanol in cockatoo (Cacatua spp.). Vet Surg 23:429, 1994. An experimental study investigating the analgesic effect of butorphanol on cockatoos by determination of its "isoflurane-sparing" effect.

Klein PN, Charmatz K, Langenberg J: The effect of flunixin meglumine (banamine) on the renal function in northern bobwhite (Colinus virgin-ianus): An avian model. Proceedings of the Association" of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians and American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, vol 128, 1994. An experimental study detailing the renal damage induced by administration of flunixin meglumine to bobwhite quail.

Livingston A: Physiological basis for pain perception in animals. 5th International Congress of Veterinary Anesthesia, August 21-25,1994. A review of pain pathophysiology, with discussion of the role of analgesic agents in pain management for veterinary medicine.

Mansour A, Khachaturian H, Lewis ME, et al: Anatomy of CNS opioid receptors. Trends Neurosci 11:308, 1988. A review of the anatomical distribution of opioid receptor subtypes in the central nervous system.

Sackman JE: Pain, Part I. The physiology of pain. Compend Small Anim 13:71,1991. A succinct review of the pathophysiology of pain. Sackman JE: Pain, Part II. Control of pain in animals. Compend Small Anim 13:181,1991. A review of analgesic agents commonly used in veterinary medicine with suggested dosages for small animals.
