Зеленые игуаны: литература

Barten SL: The medical саге of iguanas and other common pet lizards. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 23:1213, 1993. A broad overview of the clinically significant aspects of husbandry, disease syndromes, and medical care of iguanas and other common pet lizards.

Campbell TW: Clinical pathology. In: Mader DR, ed: Reptile Medicine Surgery Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996, p 248. A thorough of bk' -i collection, hematology, blood chemistries, and cytodiap\3sttcs in reptiles.

Divers SJ: Medical and surgical treatment of pre-ovulatory and postovulatory egg stasis in oviparous lizards. Proceedings of the Association of Amphibian and Reptilian Veterinarians, Tampa, FL, 1996, p 119. A review of egg retention in lizards, stressing patient evaluation, medical treatments, and surgical techniques.

Dugan B: The mating behavior of the green iguana, Iguana iguana. In: Burghardt GM, Rand AS, eds: Iguanas of the World: Their Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications, 1982, p. 320. A broad description of the mechanisms and adaptive strategies of mate acquisition in the green iguana, based on studies of a wild population on Flamenco Island, Panama.

Jenkins JR: Diagnostic and clinical techniques. In: Mader DR, ed: Reptile Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996, p 264. Techniques for physical restraint, administration of parenteral medication, venipuncture, intravenous and intraosseous catheterization, sample collection, and endoscopy and laparoscopy.

Kaplan M: Preparing for egg-laying and incubation of potentially fertile eggs. [Оn-Line]. Available http://www.sonic.net/melissk/index. html. 1994. A guide for iguana owners on the behavior of the gravid iguana, setting up the egg laying box, and incubation of iguana eggs.

Mader DR: Reproductive surgery in the green iguana. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 5:214,1996a. A practical review of surgical procedures for the reproductive tracts of both male and female iguanas.

Mader DR, ed: Reptile Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996b. A comprehensive, practical text geared for the practitioner. Sections include normal biology, special techniques and procedures, differential diagnosis by symptoms, and specific diseases and conditions.

Rodda GH: Sexing Iguana iguana. Bull Chicago Herp Soc 26:173, 1991. A simple table was developed from measurements of roadkilled iguanas to identify gender based on snout-vent length, dorsal crest height, and femoral pore diameter.

Wiewandt ТA: Evolution of nesting patterns in Iguanine lizards. In: Burghardt GM, Rand AS, eds: Iguanas of the World: Their Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications, 1982, p 119. A qualitative study of iguanine lizard nesting behavior, including size and age of first nesting; egg, clutch, and hatchling sizes; nesting phenology; nest site selection; and communal nesting.
