Методы некропсии аквариумных рыб: литература

Gratzek JB: Aquariologv. the Science of Fish Health Management. Morris Plains, NJ: Tetra Press, 1992, p 330. This is a general reference offish health, especially as related to pet fish.

Noga EJ: Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. St Louis: Mosby 1996, p. 367. This text uses a case base approach to diagnosing fish diseases. Many photographs detailing procedures and disease agents are included.

Reimschurssel R: Postmortem examination. In: Stoskopf MK, ed: Fish Medicine. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1993, p 882. This chapter discusses necropsy examination offish in a comprehensive reference offish medicine.

Roberts RJ: Fish Pathology, 2nd ed. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1989, p. 467. This is a comprehensive reference on all aspects offish pathology.

Tucker CS: Water analysis. In: Stoskopf MK, ed: Fish McJkine. Philadelphia: WB Saunder^ 1993, p 882. This chapter discusses methods of uater analysis for aquarium fish.
