Микроэнтеральное питание животных: литература

Alverdy JC, Aoys Е, Moss GS: Total parenteral nutrition promotes bacterial translocation from the gut. Surgery 104:185, 1988. Compares bacterial translocation in rats fed enterally versus parenterally.

Crowe DT: Ways to administer fluids. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 117:195, 1992. Discusses parenteral and enteral techniques for administering fluids.

Elwyn DH, Gump FE, lies M, et al: Protein and energy sparing of glucose added in hypocaloric amounts to peripheral infusion of amino acids. Metabolism 27:325, 1978. Discusses importance of glucose supplementation when amino acids are provided as the sole nutritional source.

Ephgrave KS, Kleiman-Wexler RL, Adair CG: Enteral nutrients prevent stress ulceration and increase intragastric volume. Crit Care Med 18:621,1990. Investigates theories to explain protective effects of enteral nutrients against stress ulcers.

Ephgrave KS, Horton JW: Gastric mucosal protection during confinement stress: The role of intragastric glucose. Curr Surg 42:375, 1985. Comparison of the effectiveness of intragastric glucose and antacids in ulcer protection in rats.

Feldman EJ, Dowling RH, McNaughton J, et al: Effects of oral versus intravenous nutrition on intestinal adaptation after small bowel resection in the dog. Gastroenterology 70:712, 1976. Study examining the importance of enteral nutrients in maintaining structure and Junction of the intestine.

Freeman JB: Peripheral parenteral nutrition. Can J Surg 21:489, 1978. Discusses partial peripheral parenteral nutrition and proteinsparing effects of glucose.

Hughes CA, Bates T, Dowling H: Cholecystokinin and secretin prevent the intestinal mucosal hypoplasia of total parenteral nutrition in the dog. Gastroenterology 75:34, 1978. Investigates the trophic effects of pancreaticobiliary secretions on the intestine of beagles.

Jeevandam M, Shamos RF, Petersen SR: Substrate efficacy in early nutrition support of critically ill multiple trauma victims. J Parenter Enter Nutr 16:511, 1992. Reviews findings in trauma patients fed glucose, and glucose and amino acids during catabolic phase.

Levine GM, Deren JJ, Steiger E, et al: Role of oral intake on maintenance of gut mass and disaccharide activity. Gastroenterology 67:975,1974. Discusses importance of enteral nutrients in maintaining gut structure and function.

Li J, Langkamp-Henken B, Suzuki K, et al: Glutamine prevents parenteral nutrition-induced increases in intestinal permeability. J Parenter Enter Nutr 18:303,1994. Discusses role glutamine plays in decreasing intestinal atrophy and increased permeability seen with total parenteral nutrition.

Lippert AC, Faulkner JE, Evan AT, et al: Total parenteral nutrition in clinically normal cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 194:669, 1989. Study examining clinical, hematologic, and histopathologic findings in cats fed total parenteral nutrition for 2 weeks.

McClave SA, Greene LM, Snider HC, et al: Comparison of the safety of early enteral vs parenteral nutrition in mild acute pancreatitis. J Parenter Enter Nutr 21:14, 1997. Pancreatitis patients who received early enteral nutrition had similar outcomes when compared with those receiving TPN.

Moss G, Bierenbaum A, Bova F, et al: Postoperative metabolic patterns following immediate total nutritional support: Hormone levels, DNA synthesis, nitrogen balance, and accelerated wound healing. J Surg Res 21:383,1976. Immediate feeding following intestinal resection increases protein and DNA synthesis and wound healing.

Naylor JM, Leibel T, Middleton DM: Effect of glutamine or glycine containing oral electrolyte solutions on mucosal morphology, clinical and biochemical findings, in calves with viral induced diarrhea. Can J Vet Res 61:43, 1997. Glycine as effective as glutamine in healing intestinal mucosa and treatment of diarrhea in calves.

Pingleton SK, Hadzima SK: Enteral alimentation and gastrointestinal bleeding in mechanically ventilated patients. Crit Care Med 11:13,1983. Comparison of antacids, histamine blockers, and enteral nutrients in protecting against GI bleeding.

Shorr LD, Sirnek KR, Page CP, et al: The role of glucose in preventing stress gastric mucosal injury. J Surg Res 36:384, 1984. Discusses role glucose plays in gastric cytoprotection.

Souba WW, Klimberg VS, Plumley DA, et al: The role of glutamine in maintaining a healthy gut and supporting the metabolic response to injury and infection. J Surg Res 48:383, 1990. Review of role gfutamine plays in maintaining metabolism and GI structure and function and inflating infection.

Wilmore DW: Catabolic illness: Strategies for enhancing recovery. N Engl J Med 325:695, 1990. Review of stress response and therapeutic interventions to decrease the catabolic state.

Zaloga GP: Nutritional modulation in critical illness: Where's the beef? In Proceedings of the Critical Care Symposium, San Diego, CA, Feb 6-10, 1997, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Anaheim, CA, p 275. Discusses effects of different nutrients on immune function in experimental and clinical studies.
