Вакцинация домашних животных с иммунодефицитом: литература
Buonavoglia С, Marsilio F, Tempesta М, et al: Use of a feline panleukopenia modified live virus vaccine in cats in the primary stage of feline immunodeficiency virus infection. Zentralb Vet 40:343, 1993. Cats in the primary phase of FTV infection were susceptible to vaccine - inducedpardeukopema.
Centers for Disease Control: Update on adult immunization: Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). MMWR Morbid Mortal Wkly Rep 40:1, 1991. Contains guidelines for the immunization of immunocompromised humans.
Duval D, Giger U: Vaccine-associated immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in the dog. J Vet Int Med 10:290, 1996. A retrospective study that indentifies a temporal relationship between vaccination and the development of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia.
Fishman B, Scarnell J: Persistence of protection after vaccination against infectious canine hepatitis virus. Vet Rec 99:509, 1976. Dogs vaccinated once with an MLV CAV-1 vaccine and isolated from exposure to field strains maintained liters for up to 11.5 years without additional vaccination.
Gorham JR: Duration of vaccination immunity and the influence on subsequent prophylaxis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 149:699, 1966. Summarizes studies indicating that most dogs maintain tilers for upward of 3 to 4 yean or longer following vaccination with MLV canine distemper vaccine.
Nara PL, Krakowka S, Powers ТЕ: Effects of prednisolone on the development of immune responses to canine distemper virus in beagle pups. Am J Vet Res 40:1742, 1979. Puppies treated for 3 weeks with tapering regimens of prednisolone and dosages of JO mg/kg mounted protective immune responses following vaccination with MLV canine distemper vaccine.
Reubel GH, Dean GA, George JW, et al: Effects of incidental infections and immune activation on disease progression in experimentally feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cats. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 7:1003, 1994. FIV-positive cats exposed to feline pathogens and given vaccinations had no evidence of enhanced disease progression during the 3-year study.
Slater EA: The response to measles and distemper virus in immunosup- pressed and normal dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 156:1762, 1970. Dogs treated with methotrexate at the time of vaccination failed to mount protective immunity to infectious canine distemper virus challenge.
Wernicke D, Trainin Z, Ungar-Waron H, et al: Humoral immune response of asymptomatic cats naturally infected with feline leukemia virus. J Virol 60:669, 1986. FeLV-positive cats immunized with a synthetic antigen mounted humoral immune responses, but peak liters were delayed and reduced when compared with FeLV-negative cats.