Гепатозооноз собак: литература
Baneth G, Shkap V, Presentey BZ, Pipano E: Hepatozoon canis: The prevalence of antibodies and gametocytes in Israel. Vet Res Commun 20:41, 1996. A paper describing the occurrence of subclinical H. canis infections in Israeli dogs.
Barton CL, Russo EA, Craig TM, et al: Canine hepatozoonosis: A retrospective study of 15 naturally occurring cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 21:125, 1985. A description of the clinical syndrome seen in Texas dogs with hepatozoonosis.
Craig TM, Smallwood JE, Knauer KW, et al: Hepatozoon canis infection in dogs: Clinical., radiologic, and hematologic findings. J Am Vet Med Assoc 173:967,1978. First report of hepatozoonosis in dogs in the United States.
Craig TM: Hepatozoonosis. In: Greene CE, ed: Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1990, pp 778-785. An overview of the current knowledge of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.
Elias E, Romans PA: Hepatozoon canis infection in dogs: Clinical and hematological findings-treatment. J Small Anim Pract 29:55, 1988. A good description of H. canis infection in Israeli dogs.
Macintire DK, Vincent-Johnson N, Dillon AR, et al: Hepatozoonosis in dogs: 22 cases (1989-1994). J Am Med Assoc 210:916, 1997. A report of 22 infected dogs from Alabama and Georgia.
Murata T, Inoue M, Taura Y, et al: Detection of Hepatozoon canis oocyst from ticks collected from the infected dogs. J Vet Med Sci 57:111, 1995. A report of the detection of H. canis oocysts in ticks other than Rhipicephalus spp. in Japan.
Nordgren RM, Craig TM: Experimental transmission of the Texas strain of Hepatozoon canis. Vet Parasitol 16:207,1984. Proof that H. caniscan be transmitted to dogs through ingestion of infected R. sanguineus ticks.
Vincent-Johnson N, Baneth G, Macintire D: Canine hepatozoonosis: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. Compend Cont Educ 19:51, 1997. A review paper describing the differences between hepatozoonosis in the United States and that worldwide.
Vincent-Johnson N, Macintire D, Lindsay D, et al: A new hepatozoon species from dogs: description of the causative agent of canine hepatozoonosis in North America. J Parasitol 83:1165, 1997. A paper describing H. americanum as a separate species distinct from H. canis.