Диагностика и профилактика инфекционного перитонита кошек: литература

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Fehr D, Holznagel SB, Hauser B, et al: Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of a modified live FIPV vaccine under field conditions. Feline Pract 23:83,1995.

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Gerber JD: Overview of the development of a modified live temperature-sensitive FTP virus vaccine. Feline Pract 23:62,1995.

Herrewegh AA, de Groot RJ, Cepica A, et al: Detection of feline coronavirus RNA in feces, tissues, and body fluids of naturally infected cats by reverse transcriptase PCR. J Clin Microbiol 33:684, 1995.

Hoskins JD, Taylor HW, Lomax TL: Independent evaluation of a modified live feline infectious peritonitis virus vaccine under experimental conditions. Feline Pract 23:72,1995.

Li X, Scott FW: Detection of feline coronavirus in cell cultures and in fresh and fixed feline tissues using polymerase chain reaction. Vet Microbiol 42:65,1994.

McArdle F, Tennant B, Bennett M, et al: Independent evaluation of a modified live FIPV vaccine under experimental conditions. Feline Pract 23:67,1995.

Panzero RA: An outbreak of feline infectious peritonitis in a colony of Cornish rex cats. Feline Pract 20:7, 1992.

Pedersen NC, Addie D, Wolf A: Recommendations from working groups of the International Feline Enteric Coronavirus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis Workshop. Feline Pract 23:108,1995.

Reeves NP: Vaccination against naturally occurring FIP in a single large cat shelter. Feline Pract 23:81,1995.

Scott FW, Corapy WV, Olsen CW: Independent evaluation of a modified live FIPV vaccine under experimental conditions. Feline Pract 23:74,1995.

Shelly SM, Scarlett-Krans J, Blue JT: Protein electrophoresis on effusions from cats as a diagnostic test for feline infectious peritonitis. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 24:495,1988.

Sparkes AH, Gruffydd-Jones TJ, Harbour DA: An appraisal of the value of laboratory test in the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 30:345,1994.
