Почему возникают инфекционные болезни: литература
Cohen IR: Autoimmunity to hsp 65 and the immunologic paradigm. Adv Intern Med 37:295, 1992. This article reviews the concept that autoimmunity is primarily a physiologic process, and only when it is aberrant does a pathologic process evolve.
Gao SJ, Moore PS: Molecular approaches to the identification of unculturable infectious agents. Emerg Infect Dis 2:159,1996. This article discusses recent advances in the use of molecular biologic techniques to detect and identify unculturable infectious diseases.
Kotb M: Bacterial pyrogenic exotoxins as superantigens. Clin Microbiol Rev 8:411, 1995. This review considers the role of microbial proteins produced by bacteria and viruses, known as superantigens, as mediators of acute life-threatening inflammatory diseases as well as chronit debilitating autoimmune diseases.
Levins R, Awerbuch T, Brinkman U, et al: The emergence of new diseases. Am Sci 82:52, 1994. This article considers the diverse factors that have contributed to emergence or recognition of new infectious diseases.
Lucey DR, Clerici M, Shearer GM: Type 1 and type 2 cytokine dysregulation in human infectious, neoplastic and inflammatory diseases. Clin Microbiol Rev 9:532, 1996. This article provides an excellent review of cytokine dysregulation in the development of infectious, neoplastic, and inflammatory diseases.
Pisetsky DS: Immune activation by bacterial DNA: A new genetic code. Immunity 5:303, 1997. This article considers recent evidence for the role of bacterial DNA as a molecular immunogen.
Relman OA, Loutit JS, Schmidt TM, et al: The agent of bacillary angiomatosis: An approach to the identification of uncultured pathogens. N EnglJ Med 323:1573, 1990.