Инсулинома у собак, кошек и хорьков: литература

Caplan ER, Peterson ME, Mullen HS, et al: Diagnosis and treatment of insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cell tumors in ferrets: 57 cases (1986-1994). J Am Vet Assoc 209:1741, 1996. Summary of clinical signs, diagnostic tests, and outcome after surgical and medical therapy for insulinoma in ferrets.

Ehrhart N, Withrow SJ, Ehrhart EJ, et al: Pancreatic beta cell tumor in ferrets: 20 cases (1986-1994). J Am Vet Assoc 209:1737, 1996. Results of surgical management of insulinoma in ferrets.

Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Beta-cell neoplasia: Insulinoma. In: Feldman EC, Nelson RW, eds: Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996, p 422. An in-depth overview of the diagnostic approach and treatment of insulinoma in animals.

Hawks D, Peterson ME, Hawkins KL, et al: Insulin-secreting pancreatic (islet cell) carcinoma in a cat. J Vet Intern Med 6:193,1992. A case report on a cat with insulinoma and a review of three other reported cases.

Matthiesen DT, Mullen HS: Problems and complications associated with endocrine surgery in the dogs and cat. Probr Vet Med 2:627, 1990. Includes details of surgical techniques, as well as intraoperative and postoperative management of dogs with insulinoma.

Steiner JM, Bruyette DS: Canine insulinoma. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 8:13, 1996. A review of the pathophysiology, clinical staging, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of dogs with insulinoma.
