Опухоли гипофиза у собак: литература

Bertoy EH, Feldman ЕС, Nelson RW, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in dogs with recently diagnosed but untreated pituitary- dependent hvperadrenocorticism. J Am Vet Med Assoc 206:651, 1995. More than 50% of dogs with PDH have pituitary tumors that are greater than or equal to 3 mm at greatest diameter at the time of diagnosis.

Bertoy EH, Feldman EC, Nelson RW, et al: One-year follow-up evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:1268, 1996. A majority of dogs with PDH, treated medically, invariably have pituitary tumors that expand in size; in a minority, the tumor size appears to be static.

Dow SW, LeCouteur RA, Rosychuk RAW, et al: Response of dogs with functional pituitary macroadenomas and macroadenocarcinomas to radiation. J Sm Anim Pract 31:287,1990. One of the first studies of radiation therapy for large pituitary tumors in dogs.

Kipperman BS, Feldman EC, Dybdal NO, et al: Pituitary tumor size, neurologic signs, and relation to endocrine test results in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism: 43 cases (1980-1990). J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:762,1992. Article demonstrating that endocrine test results do not correlate well with pituitary tumor size.

Nelson RW, Ihle SL, Feldman EC, et al: Pituitary macroadenomas and macroadenocarcinomas in dogs treated with mitotane for pituitary- dependent hyperadrenocorticism: 13 cases (1981-1986). J Am Vet Med Assoc 194:1612, 1989. Article reviews the signalment, endocrine test results, and necropsy findings in a small group оf dogs with large pituitary tumors and PDH.
