Хроническое заболевание почек и гипертиреоз у кошек: литература

Adams WH, Daniel GB, Legendre AM: Investigation of the effects of hyperthyroidism on renal function in the cat. Proceedings of the Am Coll Vet Radiol. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 6-11,1995. Demonstration that excessive amounts of thyroxine can increase GFR and RPF in normal cats.

Adams WH, Daniel GB, Legendre AM, et al: Changes in renal function in cats following treatment of hyperthyroidism using 1311. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound 38:231,1997. Demonstration that BUN and serum creatinine concentrations increase after treatment of hyperthyroidism by radioiodine.

Brown SA: Determinants of glomerular ultrafiltration in cats. Am J Vet Res 54:970, 1993. Demonstration that a substantial portion of systemic arterial pressure is transmitted to the glomeruli in normal cats.

DiBartola SP, Broome MR, Stein BS, et al: Effect of treatment of hyperthyroidism on renal function in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:875, 1996. Demonstration that BUN and serum creatinine concentrations increase after treatment of hyperthyroidism regardless of treatment modality.

Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Feline hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). In: Feldman EC, Nelson RW, eds: Canine and Feline Endocrinology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996, p 148. Presentation of a protocol for the cautious administration of methima-zole to hyperthyroid cats with abnormal renal function.

Graves TK, Olivier NB, Nachreiner RF, et al: Changes in renal function associated with treatment of naturally-occurring hyperthyroidism in cats. Am J Vet Res 55:1745, 1994. Demonstration that GFR and RPF decrease markedly after treatment of hyperthyroid cats by surgical thyroidectomy.

Nemzek JA, Kruger JM, Walshaw R, et al: Acute onset of hypokalemia and muscular weakness in four hyperthyroid cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 205:65,1994. Demonstration that the clinical course of hyperthyroidism in cats can be complicated by hypokalemia and muscle weakness.
