Парвовирусная инфекция у собак: литература
Dimmitt R: Clinical experience with cross-protective anti-endotoxin anti-serum dogs with parvoviral enteritis. Can Pract 16:23, 1991. A report on the use of equine antiserum in the treatment of dogs with parvoviral enteritis.
Houston DM, Ribble CS, Head LL: Risk factors associated with parvovirus enteritis in dogs: 283 cases (1982-1991). J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:542, 1996. A retrospective study examining associated risk factors in dogs affected with parvovirus enteritis.
McCaw DL, Tate D, Dubovi EJ, et al: Early protection of puppies against canine parvovirus: A comparison of two vaccines. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 33:244,1997. A comparison of two vaccines types based on individual immunologic response.
Meunier PC, Cooper BJ, Appel MJG, et al: Pathogenesis of canine parvovirus enteritis: Sequential virus distribution and passive immunization studies. Vet Pathol 22:617,1985a. A controlled study describing the pathogenesis of parvovirus from the onset of viremia through recovery.
Meunier PC, Cooper BJ, Appel MJG, et al: Pathogenesis of canine parvovirus enteritis: The importance of viremia. Vet Pathol 22:60, 1985b. A description of the pathogenesis of parvovirus enteritis and the most commonly associated hematologic changes.
Rewerts JM, McCaw DL, Cohn LA, et al: Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for treatment of puppies with neutropenia secondary to canine parvovirus infection. J Am Vet Med Assoc 213:991,1998. Controlled clinical trial of G-CSF in dogs with paroovirus infection.