Эзофагит у домашних животных: литература

Сох JGC, Winter RK, Maslin SC, et al: Balloon or bougie for dilatation of benign esophageal stricture? Dig Dis Sci 39:776, 1994. A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of these two means of dilating esophageal strictures.

Galatos AD, Raptopoulos D: Gastro-oesophageal reflux during anaesthesia in the dog: The effect of age, positioning and type of surgical procedure. Vet Rec 137:513, 1995a. A prospective study showing that age and type of surgical procedure affect the incidence of GER during anesthesia.

Galatos AD, Raptopoulos D: Gastro-oesophageal reflux during anaesthesia in the dog: The effect of preoperative fasting and premedication. Vet Rec 137:479, 1995b. A prospective study documenting that age and anesthetic premedicants may affect the incidence of GER.

Harai BH, Johnson SE, Sherding RG: Endoscopically guided balloon dilation of benign esophageal strictures in 6 cats and 7 dogs. J Vet Intern Med 9:332, 1995. A report of the treatment of 13 animals with esophageal strictures.

Klinkenberg-Knol EC, Festen HPM, Meuwissen SGM: Pharmacological management of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Drugs 49:695, 1995. A comprehensive review of the treatment of GER in humans, with good discussions and comparisons of the different types of medical therapies.

Orlando RC: Why is the high grade inhibition of gastric acid secretion afforded by proton pump inhibitors often required for healing of reflux esophagitis? An epithelial perspective. Am J Gastroenterol 91:1692,1996. A good explanation of how the stomach and esophagus are affected by acid damage and why the proton pump inhibitors are so much more effective for treating esophagitis than are the H2-antagonists.

Willard MD, Delles EK, Possum TW: Iatrogenic tears associated with ballooning of esophageal strictures. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 30:431, 1994. Two case reports showing types of iatrogenic injury caused by esophageal dilation procedures and how to treat them conservatively.

Yamamoto H, Hughes RW, Schroeder KW, et al: Treatment of benign esophageal stricture by Eder-Puestow or balloon dilators: A comparison between randomized and prospective nonrandomized trials. Mayo Clin Proc 67:228,1992. A good study showing that bouginage is as effective and about as safe as ballooning but is probably more cost-effective in the long-term analysis.
