Использование КТ при сердечно-легочных болезнях: литература

Costello Р: Thorax. In: Zeman RK, Brink JA, Costello P, et al, eds: Helical/Spiral CT: A Practical Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995, p 105. A review of techniques and current applications of thoracic spiral CT in humans.

Skorton DJ, Schelbert HR, Wolf GL, et al, eds: Marcus Cardiac Imaging: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease. Philadelphia: WB Saun-ders, 1996, p 793. A comprehensive textbook of state-of-the-art cardiac imaging in humans.

Tidwell AS, Johnson KL: Computed tomography-guided percutaneous biopsy in the dog and cat: Description of technique and preliminary evaluation in 14 patients. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 35:445, 1994. A description of the technique of CT-guided biopsy and examples of its use for thoracic and other lesions in dogs and cats.

Webb WR: High-resolution lung computed tomography: Normal anatomic and pathologic findings. Radiology Clin North Am 29:1051, 1991. A review of the indications of pulmonary HRCT in humans and the HRCT appearance of normal and pathologic lung.
