Коллапс трахеи у собак: литература

Buback JL, Boothe HW, Hobson P: Surgical treatment of tracheal collapse in dogs: 90 cases (1983-1993). J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:380,1996. Retrospective survey of cases designed to determine factors associated with long-term outcome in dogs with tracheal collapse and extraluminal polypropylene C-shaped stents.

Coyne BE, Fingland RB, Kennedy GA, et al: Clinical and pathologic effects of a modified technique for application of spiral prostheses to the cervical trachea of dogs. Vet Surg 22:269, 1993. This article discusses an experimental study demonstrating how the tracheal blood supply can be preserved during spiral prosthesis reconstruction.

Dallman MJ, McClure RC, Brown EM: Normal and collapsed trachea in the dog: Scanning electron microscopy study. Am J Vet Res 46:2110, 1985. The changes in tracheal cartilage between normal and affected dogs are discussed.

Fingland RB, DeHoff WD, Birchard SJ: Surgical management of cervical and thoracic tracheal collapse in dogs using extraluminal spiral prostheses: Results in seven cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 23:173,1986. The technique for tracheal reconstruction using spiral prostheses is described.

Hobson HP: Total ring prosthesis for the surgical correction of collapsed trachea. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 12:822, 1976. The original technique for ring prosthetic reconstruction of the trachea is described.

Kirby BM, Bjorling DE, Rankin JHG, et al: The effects of surgical isolation and application of polypropylene spiral prostheses on tracheal blood flow. Vet Surg 20:49, 1991. This article describes an experimental study showing that complete isolation of the tracheal blood supply during prosthetic reconstruction risks ischemic necrosis.

Rudorf H, Heritage ME, White RAS: The use of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of tracheal collapse. J Small Anim Pract 38:513, 1997. The technique for ultrasonographic examination of the trachea, comparing normal and affected dogs, is described.

White RAS, Williams JM: Tracheal collapse in the dog-is there really a role for surgery? A retrospective study of 100 cases. J Small Anim Pract 35:191,1994. This retrospective study of 100 dogs with tracheal collapse showed that medical management resulted in long-term resolution of signs in 71% of cases.

White RN: Unilateral arytenoid lateralisation and extraluminal polypropylene ring prostheses for correction of tracheal collapse in the dog. J Small Anim Pract 36:151, 1995. This retrospective study of 25 cases suggests that laryngeal dysfunction may influence prognosis after ring prosthetic reconstruction.
