Gene: [00.0/BP1433TA] brain protein 14-3-3, tau subtype; [HS1 ]


[1] Basic information about this protein is presented in Nielsen-1991; see 'Summary' in this entry and FAM:BP1433/00.0.
[2] Some discrepancies relating to a definition of this isoform come mostly from SWI:P27348[:ID='143T'] containing the following definition: '14-3-3 protein THETA (14-3-3 protein T-cell) and (HS1 protein)'. This definition is however incorrect since it includes two different isoform, T-cell derived TAU and epithelial derived THETA/stratifin, into one title (for clarifications, see Introduction in publication by Jones-1995). In addition, there are several other confusing comments and references in the same SwissProt Entry - [the protein] 'STRONGLY ACTIVATES protein kinase C', that is inconsistent with definitions of this protein, presented in both original publications and other related entries. Also, references to Fu-1993 and GNB:L07955 are incorrect since, describing indeed BOVINE ZETA (see 'Summary' in GEM:02p25/YWHAZ), none of them are related to HUMAN 14-3-3 TAU."


[1] Nielsen PJ:1991 (Max Planck Institut fur Immunbiologie, Freiburg, FRG), cloned a human T-cell cDNA which encodes a protein closely related to a family of proteins described both as coregulators of mono- amine biosynthesis in neurons and as inhibitors of protein kinase C. The predicted human protein is 28 kDa (pI of 4.5). Its putative amino acid sequence showes strong conservation from Drosophila to man. Some mRNAs hybridizing to the cDNA were found in human epithelial and T-cell lines.
[2] Takeda J &:1993 (Howard Hughes Medical Inst & University of Chicago) prepared a database of genes expressed in the pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) and partially sequenced 1000 cDNA clones from this library. Among these clones, a 150 bp-sequence was submitted to GenBank as a member of the 14-3-3 protein family. /Note: This sequence contains several errors; see 'REFER_3 ' using the current 'Options' menu\
[3] About a publication by Leffers H &:1993, see GEM:00.0/BP1433TH.
[4] THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES of the HUMAN 14-3-3 TAU and BOVINE ZETA homodimers were recently published by Bing Xiao &:1995 (Div of Protein Structure, National Inst for Med Res, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UK) and Dong Liu &:1995 (Dana-Farber Cancer Inst and Dept Biol Chemistry and Mol Pharmacol, Harvard Med School, 44 Binney Str, Boston, MA 02115), respectively. For more details of the results, see 'Summary' in FAM:BP1433/00.0"


"<* sources="BR" ="<*" title="{PRT="><** structure="Biochim" nielsen="'Primary" cited="[EMBL] /ID: emb:X56468^HS1433| cDNA= 1862 bp;
'Human mRNA for 14.3.3 protein, a protein kinase regulator';
//note: from mature T-cell lymphoma; cell_line 'Jurkat'\
/Date: May-18-1993\
/Submitted_by: Nielsen PJ (Max Planck Institut fur Immunbiologie,
Steubeweg 51, 7800 Freiburg, Germany);
//date: Nov-06-1990\
/Duplicated_by: cbi:23221-222\
/Note: Abundant acidic protein in the brain; activates tyrosine and
tryptophan hydroxylases in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin-depend-
ent protein kinase II\
/Features: total= 1..1862;
CDS= 126..863 //note: incl STOP_codon;
pA_signal= 1514..1519 //note: putative;
pA_signal= 1659..1664 //note: putative\
<*** cited="[PIR] /ID: pir:S15076| prt= 245 aa (MW= 27764);
'14-3-3 protein - human'\
/Date: Feb-18-1994\
<** h="/ID:" mol="<***" cited="[EMBL] /ID: emb:X57347^HSHS1RNA| cDNA= 1874 bp;
'Homo sapiens mRNA for HS1 protein';
//note: from SV40 transformed MRC-5 fibroblasts (MRC-5 V2)\
/Date: Jul-19-1993\
/Submitted_by: Leffers H (Univ of Aahrus, Inst of Medical Biochemistry,
Universitetsparken Bygn 170, DK 8000 Aahrus C, Denmark);
//date: Jan-23-1991\
/Duplicated_by: cbi:32463-464\
/Note: The original author remark is as follows:'the protein is related
to the protein kinase C inhibitory protein (KCIP) and protein 14-3-3,
an activator of tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylases; is expressed
in all the tissues being assayed'\
/Features: total= 1..1874;
CDS= 101..838 //note: incl STOP_codon;
pA_signal= 1833..1838;
pA_site= 1855\
<*** cited="[PROT_DB]<**** record="[SwissPROT] /ID: swp:P27348^143T_HUMAN| prt= 245 aa (MW= ?);
'14-3-3 protein THETA (14-3-3 protein T-cell; HS1 protein)'\
/Date: Aug-01-1992^Feb-01-1994\
/Duplicated_by: cbi:112690\
/Note_1: The definition presented in this swp:entry is incorrect since
it includes two different isoform, T-cell derived TAU and epithelial
derived THETA/stratifin, into one title (for more information, see
Introduction in a publication by Jones DHA &:1995)\
/Note_2: In addition, there are several other confusing comments and
references in this swp:entry - [the protein] 'STRONGLY ACTIVATES
protein kinase C', that is inconsistent with definitions of this
protein, presented in original publications and related entries;
also, references to Fu H &:1993, gnb:L07955, and pir:S29342 are
are incorrect since none of them are related to HUMAN 14-3-3 TAU
(see 'Comments' in this GEM_entry\
/Features: total= 1..245 //note: 14-3-3 protein tau;
site= 63 //note: phosphorylation (putative);
region= 168..245 //note: binding region to the regulatory
domain of hydroxylases\
<**** record="[PIR] /ID: pir:S34754^S29342^S34753ref| prt= 245 aa (MW= 27764);
'14-3-3 protein (clone HS1) - human'\
/Date: Dec-31-1993^Apr-12-1995\
/Note: The following remark extracted from this pir:record is as fol-
lows - 'Superfamily phospholipase A2 (acyl-enzyme intermediate-
<** ="<***" publication="the" mol="//note:" j="/ID:" molecular="analysis" takeda="'A" cited="[GENBank] /ID: gnb:T11369| cDNA(EST)= 150 bp;
'Homo sapiens cDNA clone hbc1288 5'end similar to 14.3.3
//note: a normal adult human pancreatic islet cDNA library\
/Date: Nov-29-1993\
/Submitted_by: Bell GI, Takeda J (Howard Hughes Med Inst & Univ of
Chicago, 5841 S.Maryland Ave, MC1028, Chicago IL 60637;
tel: 312/702-9116; fax: 312/702-0271; email:\
/Duplicated_by: cbi:391523\
/Note: Compared with the correct tau sequence presented in 'ref1', this
one is a short segment of the tau coding region, containing four
single nucleotide errors - one is a [C->T] substitution (at the #43
position) and the three others are deletions (at the #117, #119, and
#136 positions); see 'CORRESPONDENCES & CONFLICTS'\
1=cgctacgacg acatggccac ctgcatgaag gcagtgaccg agTagggcgc=
51=cgagctgtcc aacgaggagc gcaacctgct ctccgtggcc tacaagaacg=
101=tggtcggggg ccgcag_tc_ gcctggaggg tcatctc_ag catcgagcag=
<* features="BR"><** notes="BR"> /Note_1: UTL - UnTransLated segment; CDS - CoDing Segment;
TLI - TransLation Initiation; TLT - TransLation Termination;
TTS - Transcription Termination Signal (polyA-signal);
TCT - TransCription Termination site (polyA-site);
pAseq - polyA-sequence\
/Note_2: gem:correct - verified regions of the sequences in question;
'ref1' - Nielsen PJ:1991; 'ref2' - Leffers H &:1993;
'ref3' - Bell GI, Takeda J:1993\
/User_ATTN: The 'ref1' sequence lacks the last 41 nucleotides including
polyA-signal and polyA-site presented in the 'ref2' sequence; the
latter contains however multiple deletions in 5'- and 3'-regions
(see 'CORRESPONDENCES & CONFLICTS'); for the best approximation,
gem:correct is the 'ref1' sequence + the last 41 nt from 'ref2'. Ad-
ditional clarifications (by the original authors involved) need for
the final verification of confusing sites\
<** ="/Note:" in="only" numericals="of" alignment="[Correspondences" presented="with" the="sequence" false="---------------------------------------------------------------------- //note_1: (atg.... CDS .....)taa;
| |\
{gem:correct 1 20 111=g..c=118 126 177 329 861;
ref1:X56468 1 20 111=g..c=118 126 177 329 861;
ref2:X57347 - 1 *92=g__c= 93 101 152 304 836;
ref3:T11369 - - - - - 1 150\}
//note_2: the 'ref3' sequence is a short segment of CDS, containing
four single nucleotide errors: one substitution and three
{ref3:T11369 *43=T *117=_ *119=_ *136=_;
ref2:X57347 194=c 268=g 271=c 289=t;
ref1:X56468 219=c 293=g 296=c 314=t;
gem:correct 219=c 293=g 296=c 314=t}
//note_3: the 'ref2' sequence contains four single nucleotide dele-
tions whithin its 3'-UTL segment, compared with the 'ref1'
{gem:correct 1428=c 1451=c 1580=a 1707=c 1862 1903\
ref1:X56468 1428=c 1451=c 1580=a 1707=c 1862\
ref2:X57347 *1403=_ *1425=_ *1553=_ *1679=_ 1833 1874\}
<** landmarks="BR"> {seg(1..125) = 5'-UTL(= 125);
seg(126..860) = CDS(= 735) //note: for 245 amino acids;
pos:126 = TLI_1 //note: <_atg> translation START;
seg(861..1903) = 3'-UTL(=1043);
pos:861 = TLT_1 //note: <_taa> translation STOP;
pos:1514 = TTS_1? //note: signal?;
pos:1659 = TTS_2? //note: signal?;
pos:1862 = TTS_3 //note: signal;
pos:1884 = TCT_1 //note: polyA-site;
seg(1885..1903) = pAseq}
<* ="%-------% ref1: 1=gtggtgggac tcgcgtcgcg gccgcggaga cgtgaagctc tcgaggctcc=
#ref2: 1=____________________. .......... .......... ..........=
ref1: 51=tcccgctgcg ggtcggcgct cgccctcgct ctcctcgccc tccgccccgg=
#ref2: 32=.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........=
ref1: 101=ccccggcccc gGCCCCGcgc ccgcc=125_
#ref2: 82=.......... .______... .....=100_
<** ="%-------- pep: 1= M E K T E L I Q K A K L A E Q =
ref1: 126=atg gag aag act gag ctg atc cag aag gcc aag ctg gcc gag cag=
pep: 16= A E R Y D D M A T C M K A V T =
ref1: 171=gcc gag cgc tac gac gac atg gcc acc tgc atg aag gca gtg acc=
pep: 31= E Q G A E L S N E E R N L L S =
ref1: 216=gag cag ggc gcc gag ctg tcc aac gag gag cgc aac ctg ctc tcc=
pep: 46= V A Y K N V V G G R R S A W R =
ref1: 261=gtg gcc tac aag aac gtg gtc ggg ggc cgc agg tcc gcc tgg agg=
pep: 61= V I S S I E Q K T D T S D K K =
ref1: 306=gtc atc tct agc atc gag cag aag acc gac acc tcc gac aag aag=
pep: 76= L Q L I K D Y R E K V E S E L =
ref1: 351=ttg cag ctg att aag gac tat cgg gag aaa gtg gag tcc gag ctg=
pep: 91= R S I C T T V L E L L D K Y L =
ref1: 396=aga tcc atc tgc acc acg gtg ctg gaa ttg ttg gat aaa tat tta=
pep: 106= I A N A T N P E S K V F Y L K =
ref1: 441=ata gcc aat gca act aat cca gag agt aag gtc ttc tat ctg aaa=
pep: 121= M K G D Y F R Y L A E V A C G =
ref1: 486=atg aag ggt gat tac ttc cgg tac ctt gct gaa gtt gcg tgt ggt=
pep: 136= D D R K Q T I D N S Q G A Y Q =
ref1: 531=gat gat cga aaa caa acg ata gat aat tcc caa gga gct tac caa=
pep: 151= E A F D I S K K E M Q P T H P =
ref1: 576=gag gca ttt gat ata agc aag aaa gag atg caa ccc aca cac cca=
pep: 166= I R L G L A L N F S V F Y Y E =
ref1: 621=atc cgc ctg ggg ctt gct ctt aac ttt tct gta ttt tac tat gag=
pep: 181= I L N N P E L A C T L A K T A =
ref1: 666=att ctt aat aac cca gag ctt gcc tgc acg ctg gct aaa acg gct=
pep: 196= F D E A I A E L D T L N E D S =
ref1: 711=ttt gat gag gcc att gct gaa ctt gat aca ctg aat gaa gac tca=
pep: 211= Y K D S T L I M Q L L R D N L =
ref1: 756=tac aaa gac agc acc ctc atc atg cag ttg ctt aga gac aac cta=
pep: 226= T L W T S D S A G E E C D A A =
ref1: 801=aca ctt tgg aca tca gac agt gca gga gaa gaa tgt gat gcg gca=
pep: 241= E G A E N =245\
ref1: 846=gaa ggg gct gaa aac=860_
<** ="%-------- ref1: 861=TAAatccata cagggtgtca tccttctttc cttcaagaaa cctttttaca=
ref1: 911=catctccatt ccttattcca cttggatttc ctatagcaaa gaaacccatt=
ref1: 961=catgtgtatg gaatcaactg tttatagtct tttcacactg cagctttggg=
ref1:1011=aaaacttcat tccttgattt gtgtttgtct tggccttcct ggtgtgcagt=
ref1:1061=actgctgtag aaaagtatta atagcttcat ttcatataaa cataagtaac=
ref1:1111=tcccaaacac ttatgtagag gactaaaaat gtatctggta tttaagtaat=
ref1:1161=ctgaaccagt tctgcaagtg actgtgtttt gtattactgt gaaaataaga=
ref1:1211=aaatgtagtt aattacaatt taaagagtat tccacataac ttcttaattt=
ref1:1261=ctacattccc tcccttactc ttcgggggtt tcctttcagt aagcaacttt=
ref1:1311=tccatgctct taatgtattc ctttttagta ggaatccgga agtattagat=
ref1:1361=tgaatggaaa agcacttgcc atctctgtct aggggtcaca aattgaaatg=
ref1:1411=gctcctgtat cacatacCgg aggtcttgtg tatctgtggc Caacagggag=
#ref2:1386=.......... ......._.. .......... .......... _.........=
ref1:1461=tttccttatt cactctttat ttgctgctgt ttaagttgcc aacctcccct=
ref1:1511=cccAATAAAa attcacttac acctcctgcc tttgtagttc tggtattcac=
ref1:1561=tttactatgt gatagaagtA gcatgttgct gccagaatac aagcattgct=
#ref2:1534=.......... ........._ .......... .......... ..........=
ref1:1611=tttggcaaat taaagtgcat gtcatttctt aatacactag aaaggggaAA=
ref1:1661=TAAAttaaag tacacaagtc caagtctaaa actttagtac ttttccCatg=
#ref2:1633=.......... .......... .......... .......... ......_...=
ref1:1711=cagatttgtg cacatgtgag agggtgtcca gtttgtctag tgattgttat=
ref1:1761=ttagagagtt ggaccactat tgtgtgttgc taatcattga ctgtagtccc=
ref1:1811=aaaaaagcct tgtgaaaatg ttatgcccta tgtaacagca gagtaacata=
gem: 1861=aAATAAAagt acattttata aacCaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa=1903\
#ref2:1832=aAATAAAagt acattttata aacCaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa=1874\
//note: ^^^^^^ ^\"


"<* cross-references="[PROT_DB] /ID: swp:P27348^143T_HUMAN| prt= 245 aa /Date: Aug-01-1992^Feb-01-1994;
/Duplicated_by: cbi:112690\
/ID: pir:S15076...........| prt= 245 aa /Date: Feb-18-1994\
/ID: pir:S34754^S29342....| prt= 245 aa /Date: Dec-31-1993^Apr-12-1995\
/ID: prosite:PS00796-797\
<* cross-references="[DNA_DB] /ID: emb:X56468^HS1433..| cDNA= 1862 bp /Date: Nov-06-1990^May-18-1993;
/Duplicated_by: cbi:23221-222\
/ID: emb:X57347^HSHS1RNA| cDNA= 1874 bp /Date: Jan-23-1991^Jul-19-1993;
/Duplicated_by: cbi:32463-464\
/ID: gnb:T11369.........| cDNA= 150 bp /Date: Nov-29-1993;
^EST /Duplicated_by: cbi:391523\"


COM,ENM,SYS "Jones DHA &: J Mol Biol, 245, N4 (Jan 27), 375-384, 1995
CLO,SEQ,COD,PEP,EXP "Leffers H &: J Mol Biol, 231, N4 (Jun 20), 982-998, 1993
MOP,STR,MOL "Liu D &: Nature, 376, N6536 (Jul 13), 191-194, 1995
CLO,SEQ,COD,PEP,EXP "Nielsen PJ: BBA, 1088, N3 (Mar 26), 425-428, 1991
FUN,TIS,CLO "Takeda J &: Hum Mol Genet, 2, N11 (Nov), 1793-1798, 1993
MOP,STR,MOL "Xiao B &: Nature, 376, N6536 (Jul 13), 188-191, 1995




aac, sign, horm


coding, basic






