Gene: [01p3/ALPL] alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney; hypophosphatasia, adult type (MIM:146300); phosphoethanolaminuria (hypophosphatasia, infantile; HOPS; MIM:241500);


[1] Five isoforms of the alkaline phosphatase are known, each of them being coded by an independent gene. Aside from the given phosphatase, the following isoforms have been described: placental (GEM:02q371/ALPPR), testicular/thymocytic, or placental-like (GEM:02q37/ALPT), and two intestinal isoforms, postnatal (GEM:02q371/ALPIA) and fetal (GEM:02q37/ALPIF). The genes of four isoforms are located on Chr 2; they are likely to form a tandem in subsegment q37; see also FAM:ALP/02q37.
[2] For more information on the genetic map segment conaining ALPL, see GEM:01p36/FGR."


[1] Systematic name: orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (alkaline optimum).
[2] Reaction catalyzed: an orthophosphoric monoester + H(2)O = an alcohol + orthophosphate.
[3] The enzyme has wide specificity. It catalyses hydrolysis of orthophosphoric monoesters and transphosphorylations."


The MIM Catalogue describes three types of hypophosphatasia:
(1) infantile (or inborn, i.e., one with the manifestation in infants; MIM:241500), the most severe clinical form, with recessive inheritance;
(2) juvenile, or childhood (MIM:241510), with older age of onset, more mild clinically, also with recessive inheritance; and
(3) adult (MIM:146300), almost asymptomatic and has no marked osteal lesions; with dominant inheritance. All three forms are likely to be determined by mutations of the structural gene of the hepatic isoform, although the precise molecular mechanisms are still unknown."


Loci: GEM:01p362/NPPA; GEM:01p36/FGR; GEM:01p34/FUCA1; GEM:01p3/RHCE; GEM:01p32/MYCL1.
[1] See GEM:01p36/FGR."




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mem, mtbd, bone


coding, basic


01 p36.1-34


MIM: 171760


