Gene: [06p122/GSTA1] glutathione S-transferase A1 (alpha class; H-a1; liver); hyperbilirubinemia, non-hemolytic unconjugated (in the newborn);
FUN | Systematic name: RX:glutathione R transferase. Catalyzes the conjugation of glutathione with various xenobiotics and their metabolites: RX + glutathione = HX + R-S-G." |
FAG | [1] The GSTA locus
contains 2 functional genes (Chow-1988): A1 and A2 (GEM:06p122/GSTA2), - and a few additional GSTA
pseudogenes: GEM:06p12/GSTAP1, GEM:06p12/GSTAP2 (their total number in the genome
is probably about 10). They are generally accepted to be processed
pseudogenes. [2] For details on the GST gene localizations and classification of their products see FAM:GST/00.0." |
PSG | GEM:06p12/GSTAP1, GEM:06p12/GSTAP2. |
"Board PG, Webb: PNAS, 84, N8, 2377-2381, 1987 REV "Board PG: AJHG, 33, 36-43, 1981 POL,MOL "Chen, Board: NAR, 15, N15, 6306, 1986 CLO,LOC,MOL "Chow NW &: JBC, 263, N26, 12797-12800, 1988 FAG,POL "DeJong JL &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 986, 1989 REV "Laisney V &: Hum Genet, 68, N3, 221-227, 1984 REV "Mannervik B &: PNAS, 82, N21, 7202-7206, 1985a REV "Mannervik B: Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol, 57, 357-417, 1985b REV "Strange &: Biochem Genet, 23, 1011-1028, 1985 REV "Strange &: Ann Hum Genet, 48, 11-20, 1984 MOP,FAG "see GEM:01p133/GSTM1 |
KEY | xen |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 06 p12.2 |
MIM | MIM: 138359 |