Gene: [06q2/TCP1] t-complex 1 (a murine tcp homolog);
FUN | The function of the gene product is not known definitely. |
EAG | The homeologous region in murine chromosome 17 is well studied genetically. Recently the testicular-specific protein gene has been identified there, which is expressed selectively in the meiocytes." |
FAG | Four TCP sequences have been mapped in human genome, two in chromosome 6 (GEM:06q2/TCP10A and GEM:06p21/TCP11) and one in each of chromosomes 7 and 5: GEM:07p1/TCP1L1 and GEM:05^/TCP1L2, respectively. See also GEM:06p21/TCTE1 and GEM:06q27/TCTE3." |
REF | LOC,LIN,MOL "Blanche
&: CCG, 46, (HGM9), 583, 1987 LOC,LIN,MOL "Fonatsch C &: CCG, 45, 109-112, 1987 FUN,EVO,MOU "Rappold &: EMBO J, 6, N7, 1975-1980, 1987 PRO,SEQ,EXP,GEN,FAG "Willison K &: EMBO J, 6, N7, 1967-1974, 1987 LOC,LIN,MOL "Willison K &: CCG, 40, (HGM8), 779-780, 1985 |
KEY | chr, sex |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 06 q25-27 |
MIM | MIM: 186980 |