Gene: [16q221/NMOR1] NAD(P)H menadione oxidoreductase 1, dioxin-inducible (DT-diaphorase) (EC:; diaphorase 4 (NADH/NADPH) (cytochrome b-5 reductase) (dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; EC:; lung cancer, smoking induced, association with;
FAG | [1] The
gene for menadione oxidoreductase (GEM:16q221/NMOR1) was identified (Jaiswal-1988),
and its product was suggested to be identical to the product of diaphorase
4. [2] On other DIA genes, see GEM:22q133/DIA1; GEM:00.0/DIA2; GEM:00.0/DIA3." |
GEN | [1] The gene length is
about 10 kb (no more than 16 kb). [2] The full-length cDNA (2448 bp) codes for 274 amino acid protein (MM 30.88 kD). Of the gene primary transcripts, three mRNA species are identified: two major ones, about 2.7 and 1.7 kb in length, and a minor one, 1.2 kb in length. They differ in the 3'-untranslated region, no more than 1575 bp, although the original report (Jaiswal-1988) indicated another length, 1679 bp. This region contains four potential polyadenilation signals |
REL | GEM:06^/NMOR2. |
REF | LOC "Doggett NA &: CCG, 68, N3-4, 165-184, 1995 FOG,LOC "Edwards &: Ann Hum Genet, 47, 97-105, 1983 FOG,LOC "Grzeschik K-H: Hum Genet, 53, 189-193, 1980 PRO,SEQ,EXP,LOC,MOL "Jaiswal AK &: JBC, 263, N27, 13572-13578, 1988 FOG,LOC "Povey S &: Ann Hum Genet, 43, 349-353, 1980 ASS "Rosvold EA &: Pharmacogenetics, 5, N4, 199-206, 1995 |
KEY | xen, onc, mito, lip |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 16 q22.1 |
MIM | MIM: 125860 |