Gene: [MLT1/16q13] metallothioneins, gene cluster in chr 16q13; (MLT1A MLT1B MLT1CP MLT1DP MLT1E MLT1F MLT1G MLT1H MLT1I MLT1J MLT1K MLT1L MLT1X MLT2A MLT3)


The GDB/HGMWorkshop's gene symbols are started with the letters 'MT' for all metallothionein genes; the same case has place for all mitochondrial genes. To separate these two large gene groups in a general list of all mapped human genes, HUGEN replaces 'MT..' by 'MLT..' for all metallothionein genes; also FAM:MLT/00.0."


Four other metallothionein-like sequences (genes and pseudogenes) exist: two in chr 1 and one in each chrs 18 and 20; a pseudogene (MLT2P) is located in chr 4q. See FAM:MLT/00.0."




GEN,SEQ,EXP "Foster R &: JBC, 263, N23, 11528-11535, 1988
GEN,SEQ,EXP "Gedamu L &: Experientia, 52, (Suppl), 361-372, 1987
GEN,EXP "Haslinger, Karin: PNAS, 82, N24, 8572-8576, 1985
GEN,SEQ,EXP "Heguy A &: Mol Cell Biol, 6, N6, 2149-2157, 1986
PEP,EXP "Kagi &: Environ Health Perspect, 54, 93-103, 1984
FUN,PEP "Kagi, Nordberg: (in) Metallothionein, Birkhauser, Basle, 1979
GEN,SEQ,EXP "Karin M &: Experientia, 52, (Suppl), 401-405, 1987
GEN,EXP "Karin M &: Nature, 308, (5 Apr), 513-519, 1984a
LOC "Karin M &: PNAS, 81, (Sep), 5494-5498, 1984b
PRO,SEQ "Karin M, Richards: NAR, 10, N10, 3165-3173, 1982a
GEN,SEQ "Karin M, Richards: Nature, 299, (28 Oct), 797-802, 1982b
FUN,PEP "Kissling MM, Kagi: FEBS Lett, 82, 247-250, 1977
LOC "Le Beau MM &: Nature, 313, (21 Feb), 709-711, 1985
LOC "Lieberman HB &: CCG, 39, N2, 109-115, 1985
LOC "Pakstis AJ &: CCG, 41, 189-190, 1986
PRO,SEQ "Richards RI &: Cell, 37, 263-272, 1984
GEN,SEQ,EXP "Schmidt SJ &: JBC, 260, N12, 7731-7737, 1985
LOC "Schmidt SJ &: Science, 224, 1104-1106, 1984