Gene superfamily: troponins T; (TNNT1 TNNT2 TNNT3)


[1] Three troponin T (TnT) genes have been described on the basis of molecular cloning in humans and other vertebrates. These are expressed in a tissue-specific manner and encode the troponin T isoforms expressed in slow skeletal muscle (GEM:19q134/TNNT1), cardiac muscle (GEM:01q32/TNNT2), and fast skeletal muscle (GEM:11p155/TNNT3). Each of these genes is subject to alternative splicing, resulting in the production of multiple tissue-specific isoforms.
[2] TnT is a constituent protein of the troponin complex located on the thin filament of striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle and provided a calcium-sensitive switch for striated muscle contraction (see details in FAM:TNN/00.0). TnT binds tropomyosin (see GEM:15q221/TPM1)."


CLO,SEQ,GEN,EXP "Anderson PAW &: Circ Res, 76, 681-686, 1995