Раны конечностей у собак и кошек: литература
Beardsley SL, Schrader SC: Treatment of dogs with wounds of the limbs caused by shearing forces: 98 cases (1975-1993). J Am Vet Med Assoc 207:1071, 1995. A retrospective study of the overall treatment and outcome of 98 dogs with shearing injuries to the extremities.
Johnston DE: Care of accidental wounds. Vet Clin North Am Small - Anim Pract 20:27, 1990. A review of wound management from the initial presentation to healing.
Morgan PW, Binnington AG, Miller CW, et al: The effect of occlusive and semi-occlusive dressings on the healing of acute full-thickness wounds on the forelimbs of dogs. Vet Surg 23:494, 1994. Compares the use ofhydrogel, hydrocolloid, and semi-occlusive dressings on full-thickness wounds.
Swaim SF: Bandages and topical agents. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 20:47,1990. A guide for wound management and selection of bandage materials for various types of wounds.
Swaim SF, Pope ER: Early management of limb degloving injuries. Semin Vet Med 3:274,1988. A useful discussion and review of how to treat shearing and degloving injuries.