Диетотерапия при заболеваниях печени: литература

Laflamme DP, Allen SW, Huber TL: Apparent dietary protein requirements of dogs with portosystemic shunt. Am J Vet Res 54:719,1993. Research in dogs with surgically created portosystemic shunts.

Levinson MJ: A practical approach to nutritional support in liver disease. Gastroenterologist 3:234, 1995. A review of the human medical approach to nutrition in cirrhotic patients.

Marks SL, Rogers QR, Strombeck D:. Nutritional support in hepatic disease. Part I. Metabolic alterations and nutritional considerations in dogs and cats. Compendium 16:971,1994. A review of metabolic alterations in canine and feline liver patients.

Michel KE: Nutritional management of liver disease. Vet Clin North Am 25:485,1995. A review of the nutritional management of canine and feline liver patients.

Rolfe DS, Twedt DC: Copper-associated hepatopathies in dogs. Vet Clin North Am 25:399, 1995. Review of the patho gene sis and treatment for this condition.

Swart GR, Zillikens MC, van Vuune JK, et al: Effect of late evening meal on nitrogen balance in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Br Med 1299:1202, 1989. A clinical trial showing benefit of frequent meals and bedtime snacks.
