Плевральный выпот: литература
Cotter SM: Treatment of lymphoma and leukemia with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone. II: Treatment of cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 19:166, 1983.77re rate and duration of remission for 53 cats with lymphoproliferative disease treated with combination chemotherapy is discussed. Twelve cats had mediastinal lymphoma.
Kerpsack SJ, McLoughlin MA, Birchard SJ, et al: Evaluation of mesenteric lymphangiography and thoracic duct ligation in cats with chylothorax: 19 cases (1987-1992). J Am Vet Med Assoc 205:711, 1994. This article discusses the technique and reviews the success of thoracic duct ligation in cats.
Lee KA, Harvey JC, Reich H, et al: Management of malignant pleural effusions with pleuroperitoneal shunting. J Am Coll Surg 178:586, 1994. This article discusses the indications and use of pleuroperitoneal shunts in humans with terminal malignant pleural effusions.
Moore AS: Chemotherapy for intrathoracic cancer in dogs and cats. Probl Vet Med 4:351,1992. This is a complete review of chemotherapy for all intrathoracic cancers, with specific discussion of intrathoracic chemotherapy.
Moore AS, Kirk C, Cardona A: Intracavitary cisplatin chemotherapy experience with six dogs. J Vet Intern Med 5:227, 1991. This article discusses the results of intracavitary treatment with cisplatin in six dogs with thoracic or abdominal effusion associated with neoplasia.
Possum TW, Birchard SJ, Jacobs RM: Chylothorax in 34 dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 188:1315, 1986. This article discusses the signalment, history, etiology, and clinicalfindings in dogs with chylothorax.
Possum TW, Evering WN, Miller MW, et al: Severe bilateral fibrosing pleuritis associated with chronic chylothorax in 5 cats and 2 dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:317, 1992. The pathophysiology of fibrosing pleuritis associated with chylothorax in dogs and cats is reviewed.
Possum TW, Forrester SD, Swenson CL, et al: Chylothorax in cats: 37 cases (1969-1989). J Am Vet Med Assoc 198:672, 1991. This article describes a retrospective study of cats with chylothorax, including cause, clinical finding, and outcome.
Possum TW, Miller MW, Rogers KS, et al: Chylothorax associated with right-sided heart failure in 5 cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 204:84,1994. The history and clinical findingу in ftve cats with heart failure and chylothorax is reviewed along with a discussion of the possible pathophysiologic mechanisms causing the effusion in these animals.
Turner WD, Breznock EM: Continuous suction drainage for management of canine pyothorax: A retrospective study. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 24:485,1988. Presentation, laboratory findings, and response to treatment in 15 dogs with pyothorax are discussed.