Gene: [02p2/APOB] apolipoprotein B (including Agx antigen); normotriglyceridemic abetalipoproteinemia, Steinberg type; familial hypobetalipoproteinemia; acanthocytosis (deficiency of apolipoprotein B; MIM:200100); [APOB100 ]


The gene length is 43 kb. Exons: 29; introns: 28. Two exons are unusually long: 1.9 kb (the 29th) and 7.6 kb (the 26th); the length of the remaining exons vary within the limits of 150-250 bp. The mature mRNA, 14.1 kb in length, codes for the protein comprising 4563 amino acid residues."


[1] Circulatory APOB is a ligand for the receptor-mediated transition of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL particles) into cells and plays the central role in the transport and metabolism of serum cholesterol.
[2] In addition, APOB, along with glycoprotein Lp(a) (GEM:06q27/APOLPA), participates in formation of the complex of serum lipoprotein(a), which plays an important role in atherogenesis and pathogenesis of coronary disease."


APOB has two forms: (I) apoB100 (500 kD; 14.1 kb mRNA) is synthesized in liver and participates in the packing of VLDL particles, (II) apoB48 (210 kD; 7.5 kb mRNA) is synthesized in intestine and participates in formation of chylomicrons (Chen-1987). ApoB-48 represents the amino-terminal 47% of apoB-100 and that the carboxyl terminus of apoB-48 is in the vicinity of residue 2151 of apoB-100 (Innerarity-1987). ApoB-48 contains 2,152 residues compared to 4,535 residues in apoB-100 (Higuchi-1988). Both forms are alternative splicing products of the single gene (Cladaras-1986)."


[1] About apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme see GEM:12p131/APOBEC and GEM:00.0/APOBER.
[2] On the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein involved in abetolipoproteinemia see GEM:04q24/MTP."


Bibliography on the general problems of atherogenesis, CHD, and the role of other serum apolipoprotein systems in these pathologies is presented in FAM:APOLP/00.0."


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ats, card, lip


coding, basic


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