Gene: [01p/CSF1] colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage-specific, CSF-M); [MCSF ]
COM | [1]
Previously, the CSF1 gene was thought to be located on the long arm of Chr
5 (Pettenati-1987). These data were revised (Morris-1991; also see
Saltman-1992; Landegent-1992). [2] A possible association of CSF1 with the cell malignancy in some forms of myelodisplasias (MDS) and acute nonlymphatic leukemias (ANLL, mentioned sometimes as 5q3-minus syndrome) are discussed in GEM:05q33/CSF1R." |
GEN | Gene_length: ~20000 bp; exons: 10; introns: 9. |
REF | PEP,SEQ,EVO "Boosman A &: BBRC, 144, 74-80, 1987 FUN,EXP "Cheers &: Infect Immun, 56, N1, 247-251, 1988 CLO,SEQ,EXP "Kawasaki ES &: Science, 230, (18 Oct), 291-296, 1985 GEN,SEQ,STR,EXP "Ladner MB &: EMBO J, 6, 2693-2698, 1987 LOC "Landegent JE &: Ann Hematol, 64, 110-111, 1992 LOC "Morris SW &: Blood, 78, 2013-2020, 1991 FUN,EXP "Oster &: Blood Cells, 14, 443-458, 1988a FUN,EXP "Oster &: Blood Cells, 14, (Discuss), 459-462, 1988b COM,FAG,PAT "Pettenati MJ &: PNAS, 84, N9, 2970-2974, 1987 FUN,EXP "Pollard JW &: Nature, 330, 484-486, 1987 LOC "Saltman DL &: BBRC, 182, 1139-1143, 1992 CLO,SEQ,EXP "Wong GG &: Science, 235, 1504-1508, 1987 |
KEY | cyk, hem, onc |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 01 p21-13 |
MIM | MIM: 120420 |
- Клеточная мембрана: селективные функции, роль протеинкиназы С
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- Gene: [04q12/PDGFRA] platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide;
- Макрофагальный колониестимулирующий фактор (М-КСФ, M-CSF)
- Gene: [05q3/PDGFRB] platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide; [PDGFR ]