Gene: [19q131/TGFB1] transforming growth factor, beta 1; [TGFB ]
Transforming growth factors (TGFs) have both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on growth of different cell types and play a role in the production and degradation of the extracellular matrix. TGF-beta molecules are secreted in the form of latent large molecular weight complexes that contain other proteins, such as latent TGF-beta-1 binding proteins (see on them in 02/LTBP1)." |
[1] The following human transforming growth factor-beta genes are
currently mapped: GEM:19q131/TGFB1; GEM:01q41/TGFB2; GEM:14q24/TGFB3;
GEM:01q421/TGFB4. Despite the functional
similarity with alpha transforming
growth factor (GEM:02p13/TGFA), beta
transforming growth factor belongs to
another multigene family (along with inhibins and activins, FAM:INH/00.0).
[2] About latent TGFB binding proteins see GEM:02^/LTBP1. [3] On TGFB1 response element see GEM:18q2/TGFBRE. [4] On TGFB1 induced transcript 1 see GEM:00.0/TGFB1I1." |
The native beta transforming growth factor is a homodimer; the subunits comprise 112 amino acids each." |
POL,MOL "Ardinger &: NAR, 16, 8202, 1988 COM,FAG,EVO "Barton DE &: Oncogene Res, 3, 323-331, 1988 FUN,EXP,MEB "Boyd, Massague: JBC, 264, N4, 2272-2278, 1989 LOC,LIN,MAP "Brook &: CCG, 46, (HGM9), 587, 1987 CLO,SEQ,EXP "Derynck R &: Nature, 316, 701-705, 1985 FUN,EXP,MEB "Edwards &: EMBO J, 6, N7, 1899-1904, 1987 CLO,LOC,MOL "Fujii D &: Somat Cell Mol Genet, 12, 281-288, 1986 CLO,LOC,MOL "Fujii D &: CCG, 40, (HGM8), 632, 1985 REV,FUN,EXP,MEB "Hsuan &: Brit Med Bull, 45, N2, 425-437, 1989 LOC,LIN,MAP "Hulsebos T &: CCG, 43, 47-56, 1986 FUN,MEB "Ignotz &: JBC, 264, N1, 389-392, 1989 FUN "Khanna A &: BBRC, 204, 1061-1066, 1994 GEN,SEQ,TRC "Kim &: JBC, 264, N1, 402-408, 1989a GEN,SEQ,TRC "Kim &: JBC, 264, N12, 7041-7045, 1989b PEP,SEQ "Marquardt H &: JBC, 262, N25, 12127-12131, 1987 REV,FUN,EXP,MEB "Massague J: Cell, 49, 437-438, 1987 FUN,EXP,MEB "Roberts &: PNAS, 83, N12, 4167-4171, 1986 LIN,MAF "Schonk D &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 1075, 1989a LIN,MAF "Schonk D &: Genomics, 4, N3, 384-396, 1989b REV,FUN,EXP,MEB "Sporn &: J Cell Biol, 105, 1039-1045, 1987 FUN,EXP,MEB "Sporn &: Science, 233, 532-534, 1986 |
exce, cyk |
coding, basic |
19 q13.1 |
MIM: 190180 |
- Gene superfamily: inhibins (activins); (INHA INHBA INHBB INHBC)
- Трансформирующий фактор роста бета1 (TGF бета1)
- Gene: [19p133/AMH] anti-Mullerian hormone (mullerian inhibiting factor); persistent Mullerian duct syndrome, type I (pseudohermaphroditism, male internal; MIM:261550);
- Gene: [14q24/LTBP2] latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2; Marfan syndrome, atypical; [LTBP-2 ]
- Gene: [09q3/TGFBR1] transforming growth factor, beta receptor I (53kD); activin A receptor, type II-like kinase 5;
- Gene: [11q12/LTBP3] latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3;
- TGFB1 ген
- HUGEN-фактор роста трансформирующий
- HUGEN-фактор роста трансформирующий бета
- HUGEN-TGF-бета